

Archive for the ‘supercomputing’ category: Page 23

May 1, 2023

Mark Zuckerberg says AI boosts monetization

Posted by in categories: business, robotics/AI, supercomputing

AI is having its moment on tech earnings calls for the second consecutive quarter, following the widely popular launch of OpenAI’s ChatGPT in late November. But not every company has the same plans for the new technology.

Nvidia (NVDA) is selling AI powered supercomputers. Microsoft (MSFT) is integrating ChatGPT into its search engine to compete with Google (GOOGL), which has its own AI searchbot.

Meta’s approach is slightly different. The core business for Meta since the early days of Facebook has been advertising sales, which still account for 98% of the company’s quarterly revenue. So naturally, enhancing advertisements with AI is where Meta believes the new technology can be most impactful.

Apr 28, 2023

Do We Live In a Protopia?

Posted by in categories: space travel, supercomputing

Humanity has had a sustained human presence in space for decades now. Traveling the world can be done in mere hours, and each of us carries within our pockets a supercomputer that is linked to all of human knowledge. Our fingertips are now more powerful than the kings or queens of centuries past. For all of our flaws and challenges, we live in the protopia today.

Not dystopia, not utopia, but something else.

Apr 23, 2023

Elon Musk spoke about crystal balls, bank lending, self-driving cars and lithium refineries this week. Here are his 10 best quotes from Tesla’s Q1 earnings call

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, robotics/AI, supercomputing, transportation

Musk warned of “stormy weather” ahead, flagged Tesla’s key challenges, and touted its Dojo supercomputer and autonomous driving tech as revolutionary.

Apr 19, 2023

Could Aluminum Nitride Produce Quantum Bits?

Posted by in categories: encryption, quantum physics, supercomputing

Quantum computers have the potential to break common cryptography techniques, search huge datasets and simulate quantum systems in a fraction of the time it would take today’s computers. But before this can happen, engineers need to be able to harness the properties of quantum bits or qubits.

Currently, one of the leading methods for creating qubits in materials involves exploiting the structural atomic defects in diamond. But several researchers at the University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory believe that if an analogue defect could be engineered into a less expensive material, the cost of manufacturing quantum technologies could be significantly reduced. Using supercomputers at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), which is located at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), these researchers have identified a possible candidate in aluminum nitride. Their findings were published in Nature Scientific Reports.

“Silicon semiconductors are reaching their physical limits—it’ll probably happen within the next five to 10 years—but if we can implement qubits into semiconductors, we will be able to move beyond silicon,” says Hosung Seo, University of Chicago Postdoctoral Researcher and a first author of the paper.

Apr 19, 2023

New chip on the block: Broadcom’s Jericho3-AI can connect up to 32,000 GPU chips

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, supercomputing

The new chip can wire together supercomputers for artificial intelligence networks.

American semiconductor manufacturing company Broadcom Inc. has released a new chip Jericho3-AI, which is being touted by the company as the highest-performance fabric for artificial intelligence (AI) networks. The new chip will wire together supercomputers.


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Apr 12, 2023

Intelligence Explosion — Part 1/3

Posted by in categories: big data, computing, evolution, futurism, innovation, internet, machine learning, robotics/AI, singularity, supercomputing

The GPT phenomenon and the future of humanity in the face of advances in Artificial Intelligence.

The Age of Artificial Intelligence is an increasingly present reality in our daily lives. With the rise of technologies such as Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), the possibility of creating machines capable of performing tasks that were previously exclusive to humans has emerged.

One of these technologies is the Generative Pre-trained Transformer, better known as GPT. It’s the Large Language Model (LLM) developed by OpenAI.

OpenAI was founded in San Francisco, California in 2015 by Sam Altman, Reid Hoffman, Jessica Livingston, Elon Musk, Ilya Sutskever, Peter Thiel, among others, who collectively pledged $1 billion. Musk resigned from the board in 2018, but continued to be a donor to the project.

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Apr 12, 2023

Science Fiction Is Influencing How We Conduct War And We Might Not Like The Results

Posted by in categories: internet, robotics/AI, supercomputing

From high-tech fighting machines to supercomputers and killer robots, science fiction has a lot to say about war. You might be surprised to learn that some governments (including the UK and France) are now turning their attention to these fantastical stories as a way to think about possible futures and try and ward off any potential threats.

For many years now, science fiction writers have made prophesies about futuristic technologies that have later become a reality. In 1964, Arthur C. Clarke famously predicted the internet. And in 1983, Isaac Asimov predicted that modern life would become impossible without computers.

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Apr 5, 2023

AI chip race: Google says its Tensor chips compute faster than Nvidia’s A100

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, business, robotics/AI, space, supercomputing

It also says that it has a healthy pipeline for chips in the future.

Search engine giant Google has claimed that the supercomputers it uses to develop its artificial intelligence (AI) models are faster and more energy efficient than Nvidia Corporation’s. While processing power for most companies delving into the AI space comes from Nvidia’s chips, Google uses a custom chip called Tensor Processing Unit (TPU).

Google announced its Tensor chips during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic when businesses from electronics to automotive faced the pinch of chip shortage.

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Mar 30, 2023

Is God A Virus? | Echopraxia

Posted by in categories: alien life, mathematics, physics, supercomputing

Echopraxia is a book set in one of the most interesting sci-fi universes that I have covered on this channel. It is technically a sequel to Blindsight, but it is not necessary that you read Blindsight to understand Echopraxia is set in the late 21 century. About 14 years after man’s first contact with alien life.

This book brings up one of the most interesting concepts I’ve ever encountered in any sci-fi book ever. And that is the concept of the “Digital Universe” and God as a Virus. Now this is a concept that comes from the field of digital physics, which keep in mind is all theoretical. It is based on the premise that the universe is pure mathematics at its base, every event that occurs can be thought of as a kind of computation. This could mean that the universe is a simulation, but that is not necessary for the idea to work.

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Mar 29, 2023

AI computing startup Cerebras releases open source ChatGPT-like models

Posted by in categories: business, robotics/AI, supercomputing

OAKLAND, California, March 28 (Reuters) — Artificial intelligence chip startup Cerebras Systems on Tuesday said it released open source ChatGPT-like models for the research and business community to use for free in an effort to foster more collaboration.

Silicon Valley-based Cerebras released seven models all trained on its AI supercomputer called Andromeda, including smaller 111 million parameter language models to a larger 13 billion parameter model.

“There is a big movement to close what has been open sourced in AI…it’s not surprising as there’s now huge money in it,” said Andrew Feldman, founder and CEO of Cerebras. “The excitement in the community, the progress we’ve made, has been in large part because it’s been so open.”

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