Scientists have measured the quantum state of electrons for the first time, unlocking new insights into quantum mechanics and material science.
Category: materials
Dr. Ben Allardyce and Ph.D. candidate Mr. Martin Zaki from Deakin’s Institute for Frontier Materials (IFM) have delivered a world first in next-generation materials research. Silkworm silk is a protein-based fiber with mechanical properties rivaling petroleum-derived synthetic fibers, yet spun using a fraction of the energy. Despite decades of research, aspects of natural silkworm spinning remain a mystery.
Published in Advanced Materials, the IFM discovery takes researchers one step closer to solving this mystery by wet-spinning a new class of silk that produces fibers that outperform natural silk.
This research, led by Dr. Allardyce and Mr. Zaki, with expert input from Sheffield University’s Professor Chris Holland, involves sidestepping degumming—a commonplace industrial process—and experimenting with dissolving whole silk fibers.
A research group recently discovered the disappearance of nonreciprocal second harmonic generation (SHG) in MnPSe₃ when integrated into a two-dimensional (2D) antiferromagnetic MnPSe₃/graphene heterojunction.
The research, published in Nano Letters, highlights the role of interfacial magnon-plasmon coupling in this phenomenon.
2D van der Waals magnetic/non-magnetic heterojunctions hold significant promise for spintronic devices. Achieving these functionalities hinges on the interfacial proximity effect, a critical factor. However, detecting the proximity effect in 2D antiferromagnetic/non-magnetic heterojunctions presents considerable challenges, due to the small size and weak signals associated with these structures.
A new trick for illuminating the internal ordering within a special type of magnet could help engineers build better memory-storage devices. Developed by RIKEN physicists, this technique could make memory devices less corruptible.
The work is published in the journal Nature Communications.
Conventional hard disks are based on ferromagnets—materials in which the magnetic dipoles, or spins, associated with each atom all point in the same direction. This alignment gives the material a net magnetic field. Data is stored by creating different magnetization patterns across the material.
The Anderson transition is a phase transition that occurs in disordered systems, which entails a shift from a diffusive state (i.e., in which waves or particles are spread out) to a localized state, in which they are trapped in specific regions. This state was first studied by physicist Philip W. Anderson, who examined the arrangement of electrons in disordered solids, yet it was later found to also apply to the propagation of light and other waves.
Researchers at Missouri University of Science & Technology, Yale University, and Grenoble Alpes University in France recently set out to further explore the Anderson transition for light (i.e., electromagnetic waves) in 3D disordered systems.
Their paper, published in Physical Review Letters, outlines the simulation of light wave transport in an arrangement of perfect-electric-conducting (PEC) spheres, materials that reflect electromagnetic waves.
A Korean research team has succeeded in securing a basic technology for further improving the completeness level of neuromorphic devices. Their paper is published in the journal Nature Communications.
Researchers from the Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science observed the fine structure of the magnon, which is attracting attention as a key material for neuromorphic devices. As areas that are approximately 1,000 times finer than before were observed successfully, it is expected that the results will enable the design of more sophisticated neuromorphic devices.
Neuromorphic devices are next-generation semiconductors designed to mimic the structure of the human brain. They process information by mimicking the way neurons generate signals and transmit them to other neurons through synapses.
Researchers at the University of Bristol have made a breakthrough in the development of “life-like” synthetic materials which are able to move by themselves like worms.
Scientists have been investigating a new class of materials called “active matter,” which could be used for various applications from drug delivery to self-healing materials.
Compared to inanimate matter—the sort of motionless materials we come across in our lives every day, such as plastic and wood—active matter can show fascinating life-like behavior.
The rise of generative AI has been a major disruptive force in academia. Academics are concerned about its impact on student learning. Students can use generative AI technologies, such as ChatGPT, to complete many academic tasks on their behalf. This could lead to poor academic outcomes as students use ChatGPT to complete assessments, rather than engaging with the learning material. One particularly vulnerable academic activity is academic writing. This paper reports the results of an active learning intervention where ChatGPT was used by students to write an academic paper. The resultant papers were then analysed and critiqued by students to highlight the weaknesses of such AI-produced papers. The research used the Technology Acceptance Model to measure changing student perceptions about the usefulness and ease of use of ChatGPT in the creation of academic text.
A New Meta: Realizing Negative Refraction of Light Using Atomic Media A novel platform towards applications such as powerful lenses and cloaking devices
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Using laser trapped atom lattices instead of solid metamaterials to achieve negative refraction!
A Beam of Light Undergoing Negative Refraction Within a Lattice of Laser-Trapped Atoms.