

Archive for the ‘robotics/AI’ category: Page 2319

Jul 31, 2015

Scientists Think They Know the Exact Year Computers Will Render the Human Brain Obsolete

Posted by in categories: computing, neuroscience, robotics/AI

Fun article with lots of AI thoughts in it:

The future is here — and a little scary.

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Jul 30, 2015

The unintended consequences of rationality — By Leah Burrows | Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Posted by in categories: economics, robotics/AI


“The idea of rationality is a shared construct between AI and economics. When we frame questions in AI, we say: what are the objectives, what should be optimized and what do we know about the world we’re in? The AI/economics interface has become quite fertile because there is a shared language of utility, probability, and reasoning about others.”

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Jul 30, 2015

Leading Experts Sign an Open Letter Calling For a Ban On AI Weapons

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

More than a thousand prominent thinkers and leading AI and robotics researchers have signed an open letter calling for a ban on “offensive autonomous weapons beyond meaningful human control.”

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Jul 30, 2015

Dr. Steve Omohundro and the Implications of A.I. in the Future of Industry

Posted by in categories: computing, disruptive technology, robotics/AI

Concerns about the future of artificial intelligence (AI) have recently gained coverage thanks to pioneers like Hawking, Gates, and Musk, though certainly others have been peering down that rabbit hole for some time. While we certainly need to keep our eyes on the far-reaching, it behooves us to take a closer look at the social issues that are right under our noses.

The question of artificial intelligence transforming industry is not a question of when — it’s already happening — but rather of how automation is creeping in and impacting some of the biggest influencers in the economic sphere i.e. transportation, healthcare, and others, some of which may surprise you.

I recently discussed these near-at-hand social implications and ambiguities with Steve Omohundro, CEO and founder of Possibility Research.

Social Implications of AI

In the words of Mr. Omohundro, we’re “on the verge of major transformation” in myriad ways. Consider near-term economics. McKinsey&Company have estimated that the presence of AI automation could impact the economy by $10 to $25 trillion in the next 10 years. Gartner, an information technology research group, estimates that 1/3 of all jobs will be relegated to the world of AI by 2025.

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Jul 28, 2015

‘What Do Machines Sing Of?’, A Robot That Endlessly Performs Hit Ballads From the 1990s While Adding Emotion

Posted by in categories: entertainment, futurism, robotics/AI

Is this what we will be fated to in the future?….Karaoke Robots.

“What Do Machines Sing Of?” is a robot by artist Martin Backes that endlessly performs number one hit ballads from the 1990s while attempting to add the proper emotion to its performances. When one song ends the machine randomly selects another and keeps on singing.

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Jul 28, 2015

3D Printed Organs Are a Heartbeat Closer to Reality

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, biotech/medical, robotics/AI

Learn about the advancements of a robot that will save lives. The plan? It’s going to produce 3D printed organs and even a fully functional human heart.

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Jul 28, 2015

When Machines Can Do Most Jobs—Passion, Creativity, and Reinvention Rule

Posted by in categories: employment, energy, health, robotics/AI

Not long ago, schoolchildren chose what they wanted to be when they grew up, and later selected the best college they could gain admission to, spent years gaining proficiency in their fields, and joined a company that had a need for their skills. Careers lasted lifetimes.

Now, by my estimates, the half-life of a career is about 10 years. I expect that it will decrease, within a decade, to five years. Advancing technologies will cause so much disruption to almost every industry that entire professions will disappear. And then, in about 15–20 years from now, we will be facing a jobless future, in which most jobs are done by machines and the cost of basic necessities such as food, energy and health care is negligible — just as the costs of cellphone communications and information are today. We will be entering an era of abundance in which we no longer have to work to have our basic needs met. And we will gain the freedom to pursue creative endeavors and do the things that we really like.

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Jul 27, 2015

AI and robotics researchers call for global ban on autonomous weapons

Posted by in categories: drones, Elon Musk, robotics/AI

More than 1,000 leading artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics researchers and others, including Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk, just signed and published an open letter from the Future of Life Institute (FLI) today calling for a ban on offensive autonomous weapons.

FLI defines “autonomous weapons” as those that select and engage targets without human intervention, such as armed quadcopters that can search for and eliminate people meeting certain pre-defined criteria, but do not include cruise missiles or remotely piloted drones for which humans make all targeting decisions.

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Jul 27, 2015

Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking Join Call for Ban on Artificially Intelligent Weapons

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, robotics/AI

Trying to kill the robotics/AI industry.

“It will only be a matter of time until they appear on the black market and in the hands of terrorists”

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Jul 27, 2015

Musk, Hawking, Wozniak call for ban on autonomous weapons and military AI

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Dozens of researchers and tech experts want to prevent a “military AI arms race.”

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