

Archive for the ‘innovation’ category: Page 3

Aug 20, 2024

Artificial Intelligence Predicts Earthquakes With Unprecedented Accuracy

Posted by in categories: innovation, robotics/AI

Researchers at the University of Texas have developed an AI that predicted 70% of earthquakes during a trial in China, indicating potential for future quake risk mitigation.

The AI, trained on seismic data, also ranked first in an international competition, underscoring its effectiveness and opening doors for further enhancements in regions like California and Texas.

AI Earthquake Prediction Breakthrough

Aug 19, 2024

Printed electronics material can store 1,000 times more charge than current forms

Posted by in categories: innovation, materials

Imagine knowing your milk has gone bad without having to open your fridge. A technology called printed electronics could one day make innovations like this possible.

Aug 19, 2024

Inside The Engine Accelerator, the anti-Y Combinator for ‘tough tech’ startups

Posted by in categories: innovation, space

“That is a highlight of this building that it’s very close to talent — people who are still in this area because they just graduated,” said Knight, The Engine Accelerator’s president and chief executive.

The Engine Accelerator is where companies solving hard problems get off the ground. It’s part coworking space, with open desks, office suites, and conference rooms for rent. It’s part startup accelerator, hosting a high-octane circle of young scientists and engineers who need help turning their ideas into full-fledged operations.

If WeWork and Y Combinator had a baby, and that baby wanted to bring breakthrough research out of the lab and into the real world, it’d look something like The Engine.

Aug 18, 2024

NASA’s Revolutionary X-59 Supersonic Jet Inches Closer to Historic First Flight with Final Tests Underway

Posted by in categories: innovation, transportation

NASA’s X-59 QueSST (Quiet Supersonic Technology) aircraft is on the brink of making history, as it nears its highly anticipated maiden flight.

Designed to break the sound barrier without producing the disruptive sonic boom traditionally associated with supersonic speeds, the X-59 promises to revolutionize air travel.

With a sleek design and innovative technology, the aircraft has the potential to open up a new era of quieter supersonic flights, particularly over land—a feat that has been unattainable since the era of the Concorde.

Aug 18, 2024

Scientists Discovered a Secret World Where Particles Turn Chaos Into Order

Posted by in categories: innovation, particle physics

It’s all about the entropy.

Aug 16, 2024

Nanoscale discovery enables unprecedented control in single-molecule photoswitching

Posted by in categories: innovation, nanotechnology

Scientists from the Department of Physical Chemistry at the Fritz Haber Institute have made an innovative discovery in nanoscale optoelectronics, as detailed in their recent publication in Nature Communications (“Atomic-Precision Control of Plasmon-Induced Single-Molecule Switching in a Metal–Semiconductor Nanojunction”).

The study introduced a groundbreaking method for achieving unprecedented control over single-molecule photoswitching. This breakthrough could transform the future of nanodevice technology.

Schematic view of the plasmon-driven switching of a single PTCDA molecule. (Image: Fritz Haber Institute)

Aug 13, 2024

UAE’s Technology Innovation Institute Revolutionizes AI Language Models With New Architecture

Posted by in categories: innovation, robotics/AI

• the falcon mamba 7B is the no.

Aug 13, 2024

Astronomers have found leftover ‘zombie star’ from supernova shone in the night sky 1,000 years ago

Posted by in categories: cosmology, innovation

The striking object appeared as bright as Saturn in the vicinity of the constellation Cassiopeia, and historical chronicles from China and Japan recorded it as a “guest star.”

Chinese astronomers used this term to signify a temporary object in the sky, often a comet or, as in this case, a supernova — a cataclysmic explosion of a star at the end of its life.

The object, now known as SN 1,181, is one of a handful of supernovas documented before the invention of telescopes, and it has puzzled astronomers for centuries.

Aug 13, 2024

Scientists achieve rapid upcycling of microplastics to graphene

Posted by in categories: innovation, materials

James Cook University researchers have achieved a significant breakthrough that allows them to convert microplastics to a highly valuable material. The study is published in the journal Small Science.

Aug 13, 2024

Agent Q: Breakthrough AI Research in Self-Healing Web Agents

Posted by in categories: innovation, robotics/AI

Introducing Agent Q: Research Breakthrough for the Next Generation of AI Agents with Planning & Self Healing Capabilities.

In recent years, the…

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