

Archive for the ‘futurism’ category: Page 1072

Jun 9, 2016

We can now communicate with plants

Posted by in category: futurism

Love plants? You may soon be able to talk to them.

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Jun 9, 2016

Measuring time is a crucial part of navigation – particularly in space, where exacting precision is called for

Posted by in categories: futurism, space travel

The DSAC is poised to make a change that will aid future deep space missions.

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Jun 8, 2016

Four new element names to be added to the periodic table

Posted by in category: futurism

Quatro novos nomes elemento a ser adicionado à tabela periódica.

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Jun 7, 2016

Water Has An Amazing Fourth State — Ice, Steam, Liquid, And Now Tunneling

Posted by in category: futurism

Researchers have found that water has a bizarre fourth state. In addition to the familiar states of liquid, ice, and steam, with their transition points marked by the familiar freezing and boiling points on the Kelvin and Celsius scales, water has a fourth state, tunneling.

[S]cientists at the Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL) have discovered that when it’s put under extreme pressure in small spaces, the life-giving liquid can exhibit a strange fourth state known as tunneling.

A Fourth State of #Water Discovered –

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Jun 7, 2016

Just read the highlighted paragraph. No hashtags needed

Posted by in category: futurism

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Jun 6, 2016

Google misfires as it aims to turn Star Trek fiction into reality

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Three signature projects being pursued by Verily, Google’s life sciences startup, are plagued by serious scientific challenges, STAT has found.

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Jun 6, 2016

Liquid repellent clothes

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Liquid slides right off of these clothes.

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Jun 5, 2016

Use Technology to Transcend Yourself

Posted by in category: futurism

This is truly inspiring stuff from Jason Silva.

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Jun 5, 2016

Scientists Create World’s First GMO Reverse Dalmatian

Posted by in category: futurism

UCSF scientists have successfully created the world’s first reverse Dalmatian.

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Jun 4, 2016

Did the Irish bring horns to India 2,000 years ago?

Posted by in category: futurism

Irish and the Indians jam together 2000 years ago — wow.

For example a large C-shaped bronze horn known as a kompu, which is used in Kerala in southern India, is similar to late Bronze age horns found in Scandinavia known as lurs.

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