

Archive for the ‘transhumanism’ category: Page 24

Dec 7, 2021

Atom Touch — Join the Preview Program for the first ever Bionic Prosthetic Arm

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, cyborgs, robotics/AI, transhumanism

Probably some of the best robotic hands developed to date. definitely worth a look, for robotics people.

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Get on the waitlist for the Atom Touch.

Dec 7, 2021

Will We Ever Cheat Death and Become Immortal With Mind Uploading?

Posted by in categories: life extension, robotics/AI, transhumanism

Could we interest you in a humanoid vessel to transfer your consciousness into?

Humans have always been fascinated with the concept of immortality but what seems to be even more exciting to some is the thought of using technology to make immortality a real-world application. A movement called transhumanism is even devoted to using science and technology to augment our bodies and our minds, and to allow humans to merge with machines, eradicating old age as a cause of death. So the big question is — can we really evade death?

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Dec 7, 2021

Transhumanism and Humanity’s Desire to Escape Death

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, Elon Musk, food, life extension, robotics/AI, transhumanism

Transhumanism, briefly explained, means the modification of human beings through technology and engineering. It employs a variety of methods used to cure ailments, or upgrading humans just for the sake of it. Creating people that are smarter, stronger, healthier, or more productive.

It comes with plenty of social and ethical implications and challenges. How will we face this future? Let’s find out today.

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Dec 3, 2021

Transhumanism: Will The Singularity rescue us from death?

Posted by in categories: singularity, transhumanism

Transhumanism is the belief that humanity can evolve beyond its limitations — chiefly, death — using technology. It is deeply misguided.

Nov 29, 2021

MIT Has Predicted that Society Will Collapse in 2040

Posted by in categories: business, economics, transhumanism

I’m more optimistic about our future, but this information still needs to be taken into account, as the hard data and it’s interpretation are troubling in the extreme, ESPECIALLY for transhumanists like me and like many of you…

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Nov 18, 2021

Cyborgs, Androids, Transhumanism & AI

Posted by in categories: cyborgs, robotics/AI, transhumanism

This series looks at concepts such as Artificial Intelligence, Transhumanism, Cybernetics, Androids, Robots, and Augmenting the human or animal mind.

Nov 18, 2021

Dr Patrick van der Smagt, Director, ArtificiaI Intelligence Research, Volkswagen AG — Head Argmax.AI

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, cyborgs, health, quantum physics, robotics/AI, transhumanism

Fundamental Research On Ethical & Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence, For Health, Environment, And A Sustainable Future — Dr. Patrick van der Smagt, Ph.D., Director, ArtificiaI Intelligence Research, Volkswagen.

Dr. Patrick van der Smagt is Director of ArtificiaI Intelligence Research, Volkswagen AG, and Head of Argmax. AI (, the Volkswagen Group Machine Learning Research Lab, in Munich, focusing on a range of research domains, including probabilistic deep learning for time series modelling, optimal control, reinforcement learning robotics, and quantum machine learning.

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Nov 13, 2021

Every Prototype that Led to a Realistic Prosthetic Arm

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, cyborgs, transhumanism

Since the early 2000s, private companies, governments, and research labs have been developing prosthesis that are a lot more advanced than previous designs. WIRED talked with Easton LaChapelle, founder and CEO of Unlimited Tomorrow, to understand how he designed, tested, and adopted his prosthetic arm.

The movie GENERATION IMPACT: THE INVENTOR, follows 25-year old innovator Easton LaChappelle, who developed the world’s lightest weight and most affordable bionic limb. GENERATION IMPACT: THE INVENTOR, can be viewed on’s digital hub, the Garage ( and YouTube.

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Nov 6, 2021

The Weird Future of Digital Immortality — AI-Preservation

Posted by in categories: biological, life extension, robotics/AI, transhumanism

Biological immortality is not enough for an immerging community of Transhumanists. They’re hoping for a different take on Mind Uploading to offer them immortality. The Digital Immortality Definition depends on the person you ask, but one things is for certain the future is going to be weird when it comes to people longing for longevity and the goal of stopping aging completely. Living inside a computer by mind uploading to live forever may actually become a reality very soon in 2021.

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00:00 A new kind of Immortality.
02:05 Artificial Intelligence + Longevity =?
04:20 What are “Virtual Humans”?
06:40 The potential problem of consciousness.
08:53 Last Words.

#ai #longevity #immortality

Nov 5, 2021

Plans Of A Technocratic Elite: ‘The Great Reset’ Is Not A Conspiracy Theory

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, biotech/medical, genetics, information science, internet, nanotechnology, quantum physics, Ray Kurzweil, robotics/AI, singularity, transhumanism

According to Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive chair of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the 4-IR follows the first, second, and third Industrial Revolutions—the mechanical, electrical, and digital, respectively. The 4-IR builds on the digital revolution, but Schwab sees the 4-IR as an exponential takeoff and convergence of existing and emerging fields, including Big Data; artificial intelligence; machine learning; quantum computing; and genetics, nanotechnology, and robotics. The consequence is the merging of the physical, digital, and biological worlds. The blurring of these categories ultimately challenges the very ontologies by which we understand ourselves and the world, including “what it means to be human.”

The specific applications that make up the 4-R are too numerous and sundry to treat in full, but they include a ubiquitous internet, the internet of things, the internet of bodies, autonomous vehicles, smart cities, 3D printing, nanotechnology, biotechnology, materials science, energy storage, and more.

While Schwab and the WEF promote a particular vision for the 4-IR, the developments he announces are not his brainchildren, and there is nothing original about his formulations. Transhumanists and Singularitarians (or prophets of the technological singularity), such as Ray Kurzweil and many others, forecasted these and more revolutionary developments,. long before Schwab heralded them. The significance of Schwab and the WEF’s take on the new technological revolution is the attempt to harness it to a particular end, presumably “a fairer, greener future.”

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