

Archive for the ‘sex’ category: Page 17

Jan 10, 2021

Distinct hypothalamic control of same- and opposite-sex mounting behaviour in mice

Posted by in categories: neuroscience, sex

Ultrasonic vocalizations of male mice distinguish aggressive, male-directed mounting from reproductive, female-directed mounting behaviours, which are represented by distinct ESR1-expressing populations of neurons in the ventromedial hypothalamus and medial preoptic area, respectively.

Dec 30, 2020

Dr Nicole Prause — Advancing Research In Sexual Psychophysiology, Sexual Biotechnology, And Sex-Tech

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience, sex

Dr. Nicole Prause, PhD is an American neuroscientist researching human sexual behavior, addiction, and the physiology of sexual response. She is also the founder of Liberos LLC, an independent research institute and biotechnology company.

Dr. Prause obtained her doctorate in 2007 at Indiana University Bloomington, with joint supervision by the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction, with her areas of concentration being neuroscience and statistics. Her clinical internship, in neuro-psychological assessment and behavioral medicine, was with the VA Boston Healthcare System’s Psychology Internship Training Program. Her research fellowship was in couples’ treatment of alcoholism was at Harvard University.

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Dec 8, 2020

Dr Daniel Monti — CEO & Founding Director, Marcus Institute of Integrative Health — Jefferson Health

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, chemistry, education, health, neuroscience, sex

Exciting momentum!! — Home Depot Founder, Bernie Marcus (age 91), and the Adolph Coors Foundation (beer family), putting millions of $$$ into comprehensive integrative health and wellness — Good to see the trend!!

The Marcus Institute of Integrative Health was established in Philadelphia in 2017 by Thomas Jefferson University and Jefferson Health, and a multi-million $$$ grant from the Marcus Foundation (headed by it’s Chairman, Bernie Marcus, Co-Founder of The Home Depot) to expand the research, education and clinical care profile of Jefferson’s integrative medicine program, and to set the international standard of excellence in evidence-based, patient-centered integrative care.

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Dec 3, 2020

Glucosamine may reduce overall death rates as effectively as regular exercise, study suggests

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, health, sex

After controlling for various factors — such as participants’ age, sex, smoking status and activity level — the researchers found that taking glucosamine/chondroitin every day for a year or longer was associated with a 39 percent reduction in all-cause mortality.

It was also linked to a 65 percent reduction in cardiovascular-related deaths. That’s a category that includes deaths from stroke, coronary artery disease and heart disease, the United States’ biggest killer.” “He explains that because this is an epidemiological study — rather than a clinical trial — it doesn’t offer definitive proof that glucosamine/chondroitin makes death less likely. But he does call the results “encouraging.””.

Glucosamine supplements may reduce overall mortality about as well as regular exercise does, according to a new epidemiological study from West Virginia University.

“Does this mean that if you get off work at five o’clock one day, you should just skip the gym, take a glucosamine pill and go home instead?” said Dana King, professor and chair of the Department of Family Medicine, who led the study. “That’s not what we suggest. Keep exercising, but the thought that taking a pill would also be beneficial is intriguing.”

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Nov 18, 2020

Bioethicist: We Should Give Sex Robots to Lonely Seniors

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, ethics, robotics/AI, sex

Newfound Autonomy

There are ways that a robot companion could outperform humans, Jecker says, by providing sympathetic and patient support free of judgment and condescension around the clock.

“It relates to issues of dignity,” Jecker told the Times. “The ability to be sexual at any age relates to your ability to have a life. Not just to survive, but to have a life, and do things that have value. Relationships. Bodily integrity. These things are a matter of dignity.”

Nov 12, 2020

Sex with Neanderthals helped modern humans survive, says study

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, sex

I guess we need to thank our neanderthal forebearers. 😃

A new study shows how interbreeding of modern humans and Neanderthals boosted our genomes.

Nov 7, 2020

Female-to-male sex conversion in Ceratitis capitata

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, food, genetics, sex

The Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) is based on the mass release of sterilized male insects to reduce the pest population size via infertile mating. Critical for all SIT programs is a conditional sexing strain to enable the cost-effective production of male-only populations. Compared to current female-elimination strategies based on killing or sex sorting, generating male-only offspring via sex conversion would be economically beneficial by doubling the male output. Temperature-sensitive mutations known from the D. melanogaster transformer-2 gene (tra2ts) induce sex conversion at restrictive temperatures, while regular breeding of mutant strains is possible at permissive temperatures. Since tra2 is a conserved sex determination gene in many Diptera, including the major agricultural pest Ceratitis capitata, it is a promising candidate for the creation of a conditional sex conversion strategy in this Tephritid. Here, CRISPR/Cas9 homology-directed repair was used to induce the D. melanogaster-specific tra2ts SNPs in Cctra2. 100% female to male conversion was successfully achieved in flies homozygous for the tra2ts2 mutation. However, it was not possible, to identify a permissive temperature for the mutation allowing the rearing of a tra2ts2 homozygous line, as lowering the temperature below 18.5 °C interferes with regular breeding of the flies.

Oct 6, 2020

We are approaching the fastest, deepest, most consequential technological disruption in history

Posted by in categories: economics, energy, food, governance, sex, transportation

The next decade is going to be a transforming decade as many many technologies (some of which we all like to share in this group) are converging and maturing enough to rearrange our society in almost any aspect we can conceive.

I’m calling to those who are interested in creating and implementing an alternative model for the current social and governance systems, let’s build an open state that we can all support and trust regardless of our age, sex, geographical location, or belief system.

In the next 10 years, key technologies will converge to completely disrupt the five foundational sectors—information, energy, food, transportation, and materials—that underpin our global economy. We need to make sure the disruption benefits everyone.

Oct 3, 2020

Cindy Gallop

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, life extension, sex

Founder of MakeLoveNotPorn, and internationally famous advertising executive and public speaker, talks of Sex-Tech, a burgeoning trillion dollar industry, on the ideaXme show — #Ideaxme #MoveTheHumanStoryForward #CindyGallop #MakeLoveNotPorn #SexTech #Sexuality #SociallyAcceptableSex #Pornography #Porn #Orgasm #ErectileDysfunction #Biohacking #Viagra #Wellness #Health #Longevity #DisruptAging #Aarp #IfWeRanTheWorld #BartleBogleHegarty #Advertising #PublicRelations #TEDTalk #IraPastor #Bioquark #Regenerage AARP Disrupt Aging.

Sep 27, 2020

Neanderthal and Denisovan Y Chromosomes Sequenced – Surprise When Compared to Modern Human DNA

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, sex

Neanderthals have adopted male sex chromosome from modern humans.

In 1997, the very first Neanderthal DNA sequence — just a small part of the mitochondrial genome — was determined from an individual discovered in the Neander Valley, Germany, in 1856. Since then, improvements in molecular techniques have enabled scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology to determine high quality sequences of the autosomal genomes of several Neanderthals, and led to the discovery of an entirely new group of extinct humans, the Denisovans, who were relatives of the Neanderthals in Asia.

However, because all specimens well-preserved enough to yield sufficient amounts of DNA have been from female individuals, comprehensive studies of the Y chromosomes of Neanderthals and Denisovans have not yet been possible. Unlike the rest of the autosomal genome, which represents a rich tapestry of thousands of genealogies of any individual’s ancestors, Y chromosomes have a peculiar mode of inheritance — they are passed exclusively from father to son. Y chromosomes, and also the maternally-inherited mitochondrial DNA, have been extremely valuable for studying human history.

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