

Archive for the ‘robotics/AI’ category: Page 2293

Dec 2, 2015

PROTO — Sci-Fi Short Film (Full Length)

Posted by in categories: entertainment, robotics/AI, singularity

A little bit of smile inducing, starry eyed optimism to balance out the post-apocalyptic horror-show version of the Singularity depicted in the other shot film I posted.

‘PROTO’ is a short film, produced by Eye Candy Film as an international co-production between Screen South based in the UK and Film Fyn based in Denmark.

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Dec 2, 2015

Can Zoltan Istvan beat Hillary, Trump, and Death itself?

Posted by in categories: geopolitics, life extension, military, robotics/AI, transhumanism

Here’s a very in depth, approximately 6,000 word story (broken into 5 articles) with many pictures on transhumanism–from one of the world’s leading tech sites: The Verge.

Zoltan Istvan is very worried about the superintelligent machines.

He says the war over artificial intelligence will be worse than the Cold War nuclear arms race — much worse. It will be far more deadly, and whoever wins will control the world, eternally. This artificial intelligence might be being developed right now, he says, for all we know. At a government facility in the middle of the Arizona desert, perhaps.

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Dec 1, 2015

New AI ‘Gabriel’ wants to whisper instructions in your ear

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience, robotics/AI

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University are building an AI platform that will “whisper” instructions in your ear to provide cognitive assistance. Named after Gabriel, the biblical messenger of God, the whispering robo-assistant can already guide you through the process of building a basic Lego object. But, the ultimate goal is to provide wearable cognitive assistance to millions of people who live with Alzheimer’s, brain injuries or other neurodegenerative conditions. For instance, if a patient forgets the name of a relative, Gabriel could whisper the name in their ear. It could also be programmed to help patients through everyday tasks that will decrease their dependence on caregivers.

For the software to exist as a working wearable assistant, it will need a head-mounted device to latch onto. For now, the team is using Google Glass for demos like a ping pong assistant, where the programs tells the user to hit the ball to the right or left depending on the position of the ball in relation to the opponent. In the video below, when the user follows the guidance it makes it harder for the opponent to defend the ball in the game.

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Dec 1, 2015

Thanksgiving 2025: Technology Will Redefine What ‘Togetherness’ Is All About

Posted by in categories: mobile phones, robotics/AI

This might be a controversial post.

My Thanksgiving was one filled with texting, Snapchat, Skyping, Facetime, Beam robots and ringing phones.

Some people HATE the way technology impacts their family at gatherings — people on digital devices rather than having conversations — “making us more alone, even when we’re together.” But is that really true?

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Dec 1, 2015

18 AI researchers reveal the most impressive thing they’ve ever seen

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

These robots do everything.

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Nov 30, 2015

Is Media Attention Hindering The Development Of Artificial Intelligence?

Posted by in categories: ethics, robotics/AI

Image Credit: LinkedIn

Image Credit: LinkedIn

As the line between tabloid media and mainstream media becomes more diffuse, news items such as Ebola, pit bulls, Deflategate, and Donald Trump can frequently generate a cocktail of public panic, scrutiny, and scorn before the news cycle moves on to the next sensational headline. According to Robotics Expert and self-proclaimed “Robot Psychiatrist” Dr. Joanne Pransky, the same phenomenon has happened in robotics, which can shape public perception and, by extension, the future development of robots and AI.

“The challenge, since robotics is just starting to come into the mainstream, is that most of the country is ignorant. So, if you believe what you read, then I think people have a very negative and inaccurate picture (of robotics),” Pransky said. “I spend a lot of time bashing negative headlines, such as ‘ROBOT KILLS HUMAN,’ when actually the human killed himself by not following proper safety standards. A lot of things are publicized about robotics, but there’s nothing about the robot in the article. It leads people on the wrong path.”

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Nov 30, 2015

This is the biggest shift going on in artificial intelligence

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

There might never be robots that think like you.

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Nov 29, 2015

Tesla wants to make fully self-driving cars happen way ahead of schedule

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, transportation

A week and a half ago, we learned that Tesla is on a quest to hire more engineers to accelerate the development of its self-driving car technologies.

Tesla was already no slouch in the autonomous-vehicle world, having released its Autopilot feature into the wild just over a month ago.

We sampled Autopilot as soon as it hit the streets and were quite impressed, to put it mildly.

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Nov 29, 2015

Watch a neural network describe what it sees on a stroll through Amsterdam

Posted by in categories: computing, neuroscience, robotics/AI

The results are mixed, of course, but it’s fascinating to watch the neural network make mistakes (and sometimes correct itself) in real time. The open source program being used is called NeuralTalk and was first unveiled last year, with the researchers providing updates on the network’s capabilities since. Other companies and institutions are working on similar technology. Last month, for example, Facebook unveiled a prototype neural network that’s intended to help blind people by describing pictures.

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Nov 29, 2015

Beauty.AI Announces the First International Beauty Contest Judged by an Artificial Intelligence Jury

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, health, information science, life extension, robotics/AI

London, UK, November, 19, 2015 (PRWEB UK) 19 November 2015.

What matters in beauty is perception. Perception is how you and other people see you, and this perception is almost always biased. Still, healthy people look more attractive despite their age and nationality.

This has enabled the team of biogerontologists and data scientists, who believe that in the near future machines will be able to get a lot of vital medical information about people’s health by just processing their photos, to develop a set of algorithms that can accurately evaluate the criteria linked to perception of human beauty and health where it is most important – the human face. But evaluating beauty and health is not enough. The team’s challenge is to find effective ways to slow down ageing and help people look healthy and beautiful.

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