

Archive for the ‘robotics/AI’ category: Page 2288

Dec 7, 2015

Can The Existential Risk Of Artificial Intelligence Be Mitigated?

Posted by in categories: ethics, existential risks, futurism, government, human trajectories, robotics/AI

It seems like every day we’re warned about a new, AI-related threat that could ultimately bring about the end of humanity. According to Author and Oxford Professor Nick Bostrom, those existential risks aren’t so black and white, and an individual’s ability to influence those risks might surprise you.

Image Credit: TED

Image Credit: TED

Bostrom defines an existential risk as one distinction of earth originating life or the permanent and drastic destruction of our future development, but he also notes that there is no single methodology that is applicable to all the different existential risks (as more technically elaborated upon in this Future of Humanity Institute study). Rather, he considers it an interdisciplinary endeavor.

“If you’re wondering about asteroids, we have telescopes, we can study them with, we can look at past crater impacts and derive hard statistical data on that,” he said. “We find that the risk of asteroids is extremely small and likewise for a few of the other risks that arrive from nature. But other really big existential risks are not in any direct way susceptible to this kind of rigorous quantification.”

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Dec 7, 2015

Modular Robotic Car

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, transportation

Who else wants one?

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Dec 7, 2015

Deep learning, machine learning advancements highlight Microsoft’s research at NIPS 2015

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Dec 7, 2015

China Aims to Retool Its Manufacturing Industry with Robots

Posted by in categories: economics, robotics/AI

China needs advanced robotics to help balance its economic, social, and technological ambitions with continued growth.

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Dec 7, 2015

Life in the Robot Age: When We’re All Unemployed

Posted by in categories: futurism, robotics/AI

“You’ll never get a good job, son, if you’re smoking pot all the time!”

That’s a scolding you won’t hear in the future. Besides the fact that pot smokers can become president, the future will not require you to get a good job. The traditional motivation to keep your mind orderly and bourgeois will be gone, so let your mind fly its freak flag and wander the Technicolor pathways already cleared by St. John of Patmos, Salvador Dali, and Carl Sagan.

In the near future, we may all be unemployed. We are entering what is generally called the “second machine age.” And, optimistically speaking, it may become the best thing that ever happened to the human being.

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Dec 7, 2015

The High Speed robot from Stäubli

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Dec 6, 2015

Could RoboBees Ever Take the Place of Real Bees?

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Researchers are developing tiny flying robots that can do many things bees do — and even some things that they can’t. Could they serve as stand-ins for the real insects?

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Dec 6, 2015

Beyond the Boundary — The Greatest Challenge: Manned Interstellar Travel

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, space travel

By Andreas M. Hein in Artificial Intelligence and Science Fiction. Beyond the Boundary: Exploring the Science and Culture of Interstellar Spaceflight.

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Dec 6, 2015

From AI and data science to cryptography: Microsoft researchers offer 16 predictions for ’16

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, science

Visit the post for more.

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Dec 4, 2015

Leonardo da Vinci robot wows Tokyo crowd

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Watch the video Leonardo da Vinci robot wows Tokyo crowd on Yahoo News. Disaster relief humanoids on display at the International Robot Exhibition 2015, but Leonardo da Vinci steals the show. Jim Drury reports.

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