

Archive for the ‘quantum physics’ category: Page 7

Jun 7, 2024

Mapping noise to improve quantum measurements

Posted by in categories: mapping, quantum physics

One of the biggest challenges in quantum technology and quantum sensing is “noise”–seemingly random environmental disturbances that can disrupt the delicate quantum states of qubits, the fundamental units of quantum information.

Jun 7, 2024

Fay Dowker: Causal Set Theory, Quantum Gravity, Consciousness, Non-Locality, Stephen Hawking

Posted by in categories: neuroscience, quantum physics

Stephen Paul KIng [always] has [good] ideas—especially for [error] rectification.

Fay Dowker is a physicist and is currently a professor of Theoretical Physics and a member of the Theoretical Physics Group at Imperial College London and a Visiting Fellow at the Perimeter Institute. Fay conducts research in a number of areas of theoretical physics including quantum gravity and causal set theory.

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Jun 7, 2024

Quantum Pioneers: How Magnetic Quivers Are Rewriting the Rules of Particle Physics

Posted by in categories: mathematics, particle physics, quantum physics

A simple concept of decay and fission of “magnetic quivers” helps to clarify complex quantum physics and mathematical structures.

Researchers employed magnetic quivers to delve into the fundamentals of quantum physics, specifically through the lens of supersymmetric quantum field theories. They have provided a novel interpretation of the Higgs mechanism, illustrating how particles gain mass and the potential decay and fission within QFTs.

Pioneering Quantum Physics Study

Jun 7, 2024

Brian Greene — What Was There Before The Big Bang?

Posted by in categories: cosmology, evolution, information science, mathematics, quantum physics, singularity

The American theoretical physicist, Brian Greene explains various hypotheses about the causation of the big bang. Brian Greene is an excellent science communicator and he makes complex cosmological concepts more easy to understand.

The Big Bang explains the evolution of the universe from a starting density and temperature that is currently well beyond humanity’s capability to replicate. Thus the most extreme conditions and earliest times of the universe are speculative and any explanation for what caused the big bang should be taken with a grain of salt. Nevertheless that shouldn’t stop us to ask questions like what was there before the big bang.

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Jun 6, 2024

Study of photons in quantum computing reveals that when photons collide, they create vortices

Posted by in categories: climatology, computing, quantum physics, space

Vortices are a common physical phenomenon. You find them in the structure of galaxies, tornadoes and hurricanes, as well as in a cup of tea, or water as it drains from the bathtub.

Jun 6, 2024

Quantum Information Science

Posted by in categories: chemistry, quantum physics, science

The 25th Annual S. Dexter Squibb Distinguished Lecture Series in ChemistryFeaturing: Dr. Theodore Goodson IIIThe Richard Barry Bernstein Collegiate Professor…

Jun 6, 2024

Researchers Use Quantinuum’s New 56-Qubit Quantum Computer to Show 100X Improvement on Google’s 2019 Random Circuit Sampling Task

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

Quantinuum unveiled its H2-1 quantum computer with 56 trapped-ion qubits that further improves its market-leading fidelity.

Jun 6, 2024

Attacking Quantum Models with AI: When Can Truncated Neural Networks Deliver Results?

Posted by in categories: business, particle physics, quantum physics, robotics/AI

Currently, computing technologies are rapidly evolving and reshaping how we imagine the future. Quantum computing is taking its first toddling steps toward delivering practical results that promise unprecedented abilities. Meanwhile, artificial intelligence remains in public conversation as it’s used for everything from writing business emails to generating bespoke images or songs from text prompts to producing deep fakes.

Some physicists are exploring the opportunities that arise when the power of machine learning — a widely used approach in AI research—is brought to bear on quantum physics. Machine learning may accelerate quantum research and provide insights into quantum technologies, and quantum phenomena present formidable challenges that researchers can use to test the bounds of machine learning.

When studying quantum physics or its applications (including the development of quantum computers), researchers often rely on a detailed description of many interacting quantum particles. But the very features that make quantum computing potentially powerful also make quantum systems difficult to describe using current computers. In some instances, machine learning has produced descriptions that capture the most significant features of quantum systems while ignoring less relevant details—efficiently providing useful approximations.

Jun 6, 2024

Are white holes dawning at last?

Posted by in categories: cosmology, mathematics, quantum physics

As opposed to black holes, white holes are thought to eject matter and light while never absorbing any. Detecting these as yet hypothetical objects could not only provide evidence of quantum gravity but also explain the origin of dark matter.

No one today questions the existence of black holes, objects from which nothing, not even light, can escape. But after they were first predicted in 1915 by Einstein’s general theory of relativity, it took many decades and multiple observations to show that they actually existed. And when it comes to white holes, history may well repeat itself. Such objects, which are also predicted by general relativity, can only eject matter and light, and as such are the exact opposite of black holes, which can only absorb them. So, just as it is impossible to escape from a black hole, it is equally impossible to enter a white one, occasionally and perhaps more aptly dubbed a “white fountain”. For many, these exotic bodies are mere mathematical curiosities.

Jun 6, 2024

Unlocking the Power of Quantum Computing

Posted by in categories: computing, engineering, quantum physics

It seems like over the past few years, Quantum is being talked about more and more. We’re hearing words like qubits, entanglement, super position, and quantum computing. But what does that mean … and is quantum science really that big of a deal? Yeah, it is.

It’s because Quantum science has the potential to revolutionize our world. From processing data to predicting weather, to picking stocks or even discovering new medical drugs. Quantum, specifically quantum computers, could solve countless problems.

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