

Archive for the ‘quantum physics’ category: Page 267

Feb 19, 2023

Quantum Physicists Make Nanoscopic Breakthrough of Colossal Significance

Posted by in categories: computing, encryption, internet, quantum physics

In a new breakthrough, researchers at the University of Copenhagen, in collaboration with Ruhr University Bochum, have solved a problem that has caused quantum researchers headaches for years. The researchers can now control two quantum light sources rather than one. Trivial as it may seem to those uninitiated in quantum, this colossal breakthrough allows researchers to create a phenomenon known as quantum mechanical entanglement. This, in turn, opens new doors for companies and others to exploit the technology commercially.

Going from one to two is a minor feat in most contexts. But in the world of quantum physics, doing so is crucial. For years, researchers around the world have strived to develop stable quantum light sources and achieve the phenomenon known as quantum mechanical entanglement – a phenomenon, with nearly sci-fi-like properties, where two light sources can affect each other instantly and potentially across large geographic distances. Entanglement is the very basis of quantum networks and central to the development of an efficient quantum computer.

Researchers from the Niels Bohr Institute published a new result in the highly esteemed journal Science, in which they succeeded in doing just that. According to Professor Peter Lodahl, one of the researchers behind the result, it is a crucial step in the effort to take the development of quantum technology to the next level and to “quantize” society’s computers, encryption, and the internet.

Feb 19, 2023

Alien Civilizations Could Use Black Holes as Massive Quantum Computers

Posted by in categories: alien life, computing, existential risks, quantum physics

It actually makes a lot of sense from a computing standpoint.

If life is common in our Universe, and we have every reason to suspect it is, why do we not see evidence of it everywhere?

This is the essence of the Fermi Paradox, a question that has plagued astronomers and cosmologists almost since the birth of modern astronomy.

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Feb 19, 2023

2023 Could be The Breakthrough Year For Quantum Computing

Posted by in categories: business, finance, quantum physics, security, supercomputing

Check out all the on-demand sessions from the Intelligent Security Summit here.

2022 has been a dynamic year for quantum computing. With commercial breakthroughs such as the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) investing in its first quantum computer, the launch of the world’s first quantum computer capable of advantage over the cloud and the Nobel Prize in Physics awarded for ground-breaking experiments with entangled photons, the industry is making progress.

At the same time, 2022 saw the tremendous accomplishment of the exaflop barrier broken with the Frontier supercomputer. At a cost of roughly $600 million and requiring more than 20 megawatts of power, we are approaching the limits of what classical computing approaches can do on their own. Often for practical business reasons, many companies are not able to fully exploit the increasing amount of data available to them. This hampers digital transformation across areas most reliant on high-performance computing (HPC): healthcare, defense, energy and finance.

Feb 19, 2023

Professor John Goold of Trinity Dublin Defines What Quantum Computing is & the QuSys Research Group’s Work in the Space

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

(TQI) is the leading online resource dedicated exclusively to Quantum Computing.

Feb 19, 2023

Computing: CERN is one of the most highly demanding computing environments in the research world

Posted by in categories: quantum physics, robotics/AI

The World Wide Web was originally conceived and developed at CERN to meet the demand for automated information-sharing between scientists in universities and institutes around the world. From software development, to data processing and storage, networks, support for the LHC and non-LHC experimental programme, automation and controls, as well as services for the accelerator complex and for the whole laboratory and its users, is at the heart of CERN’s infrastructure.

The Worldwide LHC Grid (WLCG) – a distributed infrastructure arranged in tiers – gives a community of thousands of physicists near real-time access to LHC data. The CERN data centre is at the heart of WLCG, the first point of contact between experimental data from the LHC and the grid. Through CERN openlab, a unique public-private partnership, CERN collaborates with leading ICT companies and other research organisations to accelerate the development of cutting-edge ICT solutions for the research community. CERN has also established a medium-and long-term roadmap and research programme in collaboration with the high energy physics and quantum-technology research communities via the CERN Quantum Technology Initiative (QTI).

Feb 19, 2023

String Theory Reveals the Multiverse

Posted by in categories: cosmology, particle physics, quantum physics

Year 2020 :3.

Atoms are made of protons, neutrons and electrons. And they are small. So small that 100 million hydrogen atoms would span the width of your fingernail. String theory proposes that at the most fundamental level of space there are objects that are much smaller than these elementary particles: tiny little filaments of energy, called “strings.”

Feb 19, 2023

Quantum sensing readies to be the 21st century’s surveillance leap

Posted by in categories: quantum physics, surveillance

Devices now being tested in the sky could gather ultra-precise data.

Feb 18, 2023

A molecular close-up

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, chemistry, quantum physics

Imagine going for an MRI scan of your knee. This scan measures the density of water molecules present in your knee, at a resolution of about one cubic millimeter – which is great for determining whether, for example, a meniscus in the knee is torn. But what if you need to investigate the structural data of a single molecule that’s five cubic nanometers, or about ten trillion times smaller than the best resolution current MRI scanners are capable of producing? That’s the goal for Dr. Amit Finkler of the Weizmann Institute of Science’s Chemical and Biological Physics Department.

In a recent study (Physical Review Applied, “Mapping Single Electron Spins with Magnetic Tomography”), Finkler, PhD student Dan Yudilevich and their collaborators from the University of Stuttgart, Germany, have managed to take a giant step in that direction, demonstrating a novel method for imaging individual electrons. The method, now in its initial stages, might one day be applicable to imaging various kinds of molecules, which could revolutionize the development of pharmaceuticals and the characterization of quantum materials.

The experimental set-up: A 30-micron-thick diamond membrane with one sensor, on average, at the top of each column, magnified 2,640 times (top) and 32,650 times (bottom)

Feb 18, 2023

Researchers think alien civilizations might be creating black holes to store quantum data

Posted by in categories: alien life, computing, existential risks, quantum physics

A new paper has proposed an absolutely wild idea. What if aliens are creating black holes to use as quantum storage? It sounds crazy, but some scientists say it could give us a solution to the Fermi Paradox, which essentially states that if life is common in our universe, why have we not found evidence of it beyond Earth?

This paradox has caused quite a few ripples throughout the scientific community, especially within parts that believe alien life is out there, just waiting to be discovered. The new paper has yet to be peer-reviewed, but it was created by a team of German and Georgian scientists who say we may be looking in the wrong direction in our search for alien life.

Currently, we rely on radio signals to search for signs of life out in the universe. But, these researchers suggest that we should instead approach black holes as if alien civilizations created them as massive quantum computers to store data in. As such, we should be looking for technosignatures emanating from megastructures like pulsars, white dwarf stars, and black holes.

Feb 17, 2023

Curious about quantum?

Posted by in categories: futurism, quantum physics

As “Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania” hits theaters, learn about the future of quantum and NSF efforts to advance the quantum future.