

Archive for the ‘nanotechnology’ category: Page 42

Jan 13, 2024

Light-Matter Magic Explained: Broken Symmetry Drives Polaritons

Posted by in categories: nanotechnology, particle physics

Scientists uncover new insights on polaritons, showing potential for breakthroughs in light manipulation and nanotechnology applications.

An international team of scientists provides an overview of the latest research on light-matter interactions. A team of scientists from the Fritz Haber Institute, the City University of New York, and the Universidad de Oviedo has published a comprehensive review article in the scientific journal Nature Reviews Materials. In this article, they provide an overview of the latest research on polaritons, tiny particles that arise when light and material interact in a special way.

Understanding Polaritons

Jan 10, 2024

Single-Photon Source Marks Quantum Cryptography Gain

Posted by in categories: computing, encryption, engineering, internet, nanotechnology, quantum physics

Producing photons one at a time on demand at room temperature is a key requirement for the rollout of a quantum internet—and the practical quantum computers that would undergird that network. The photons can be used as quantum bits (qubits), the quantum equivalent of classical computing’s 0s and 1s. Labs around the world have devised various ways to generate single photons, but they can involve complex engineering techniques such as doped carbon nanotubes or costly cryogenically-cooled conditions. On the other hand, less complicated techniques such as using traditional light sources do not provide the necessary level of control over single-photon emissions required for quantum networks and computers.

Now, researchers from Tokyo University of Science (TUS) and the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology have collaborated to develop a prototype room temperature single-photon light source using standard materials and methods. The team described the fabrication of the prototype and its results in a recent issue of the journal Physical Review Applied.

“Our single-photon light source … increases the potential to create quantum networks—a quantum internet—that are cost-effective and accessible.” —Kaoru Sanaka, Tokyo University of Science.

Jan 10, 2024

Breakthrough in gene editing: Enhanced virus-like particles promise new era in genetic disease treatment

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, genetics, nanotechnology

Background: The Promise of Prime Editing

Prime editing is a promising technology for changing genomic deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) that has the potential to be used to cure genetic diseases in individuals. Prime editors are proteins that can replace a specific deoxyribonucleic acid sequence with another. PE systems necessitate three distinct nucleic acid hybridizations and are not dependent on double-strand deoxyribonucleic acid breaks or donor deoxyribonucleic acid templates.

Researchers must devise efficient and safe techniques to deliver prime editors in tissues in the in vivo settings to fulfill PE’s objective. While viral delivery techniques such as adenoviruses and adeno-associated viruses (AAVs) can transport PE in vivo, non-viral delivery techniques like lipid nanoparticles can sidestep these concerns by packaging PEs as temporarily expressing messenger ribonucleic acids.

Jan 10, 2024

The 5th Industrial Revolution as an engine for human longevity

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, blockchains, genetics, internet, nanotechnology, quantum physics, robotics/AI

Before delving into the prospects of the Fifth Industrial Revolution, let’s reflect on the legacy of its predecessor. The Fourth Industrial Revolution, characterised by the fusion of digital, physical, and biological systems, has already transformed the way we live and work. It brought us AI, blockchain, the Internet of Things, and more. However, it also raised concerns about automation’s impact on employment and privacy, leaving us with a mixed legacy.

The promise of the Fifth Industrial Revolution.

The Fifth Industrial Revolution represents a quantum leap forward. At its core, it combines AI, advanced biotechnology, nanotechnology, and quantum computing to usher in a new era of possibilities. One of its most compelling promises is the extension of human life. With breakthroughs in genetic engineering, regenerative medicine, and AI-driven healthcare, we are inching closer to not just treating diseases but preventing them altogether. It’s a vision where aging is not an inevitability, but a challenge to overcome.

Jan 9, 2024

Spiking Nano-oscillators Provide New Insight into Quantum Materials and Advanced Computing

Posted by in categories: computing, nanotechnology, quantum physics

The Quantum Insider (TQI) is the leading online resource dedicated exclusively to Quantum Computing.

Jan 9, 2024

Nanorings Uncovered: Astonishing New Building Blocks for Chemistry

Posted by in categories: chemistry, evolution, nanotechnology

New Compounds for Organometallic Chemistry – Sandwich Complexes in the Form of Rings Are Kept Together by Their Own Energy.

Sandwich compounds are special chemical compounds used as basic building blocks in organometallic chemistry. So far, their structure has always been linear. Recently, researchers of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the University of Marburg were the first to make stacked sandwich complexes form a nano-sized ring. Physical and other properties of these cyclocene structures will now be further investigated.

Evolution of Sandwich Complexes.

Jan 9, 2024

New study uses machine learning to bridge the reality gap in quantum devices

Posted by in categories: finance, nanotechnology, quantum physics, robotics/AI

A study led by the University of Oxford has used the power of machine learning to overcome a key challenge affecting quantum devices. For the first time, the findings reveal a way to close the “reality gap”: the difference between predicted and observed behavior from quantum devices. The results have been published in Physical Review X.

Quantum computing could supercharge a wealth of applications, from climate modeling and financial forecasting to drug discovery and artificial intelligence. But this will require effective ways to scale and combine individual (also called qubits). A major barrier against this is inherent variability, where even apparently identical units exhibit different behaviors.

Functional variability is presumed to be caused by nanoscale imperfections in the materials from which quantum devices are made. Since there is no way to measure these directly, this internal disorder cannot be captured in simulations, leading to the gap in predicted and observed outcomes.

Jan 8, 2024

Soft microrobots with super-compliant picoforce springs as onboard sensors and actuators

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, nanotechnology, robotics/AI

The integration of mechanical memory in the form of springs has for hundreds of years proven to be a key enabling technology for mechanical devices (such as clocks), achieving advanced functionality through complex autonomous movements. Currently, the integration of springs in silicon-based microtechnology has opened the world of planar mass-producible mechatronic devices from which we all benefit, via air-bag sensors for example.

For a of minimally and even non-invasive biomedical applications however, that can safely interact mechanically with cells must be achieved at much smaller scales (10 microns) and with much softer forces (pico Newton scale, i.e., lifting weights less than one millionth of a mg) and in customized three-dimensional shapes.

Researchers at the Chemnitz University of Technology, the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Leibniz IFW Dresden, in a recent publication in Nature Nanotechnology, have demonstrated that controllable springs can be integrated at arbitrary chosen locations within soft three-dimensional structures using confocal photolithographic manufacturing (with nanoscale precision) of a novel magnetically active material in the form of a photoresist impregnated with customizable densities of magnetic nanoparticles.

Jan 8, 2024

MIT’s Game-Changer: Ion Irradiation in Nanoparticle Engineering for Sustainable Energy

Posted by in categories: engineering, nanotechnology, particle physics, sustainability

The work demonstrates control over key properties leading to better performance.

MIT researchers and colleagues have demonstrated a way to precisely control the size, composition, and other properties of nanoparticles key to the reactions involved in a variety of clean energy and environmental technologies. They did so by leveraging ion irradiation, a technique in which beams of charged particles bombard a material.

They went on to show that nanoparticles created this way have superior performance over their conventionally made counterparts.

Jan 7, 2024

MIT scientists create inhalable sensors to detect early lung cancer

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, nanotechnology

The technique of inhaling nanoparticle sensors followed by a urine test may offer the potential for faster and early detection of lung cancer.

Scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have introduced this cutting-edge medical technology, presenting a simplified approach to diagnosing lung cancer.

Additionally, this innovation holds particular promise for low-and middle-income countries where the accessibility of computed tomography (CT) scanners is limited.

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