

Archive for the ‘materials’ category: Page 150

Nov 2, 2021

Physicists discover how particles self-assemble

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, materials

A team of physicists has discovered how DNA molecules self-organize into adhesive patches between particles in response to assembly instructions. Its findings offer a “proof of concept” for an innovative way to produce materials with a well-defined connectivity between the particles.

The work is reported in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

“We show that one can program particles to make tailored structures with customized properties,” explains Jasna Brujic, a professor in New York University’s Department of Physics and one of the researchers. “While , drills, and hammers must be controlled by humans in constructing buildings, this work reveals how one can use physics to make that ‘know’ how to assemble themselves.”

Nov 1, 2021

A papyrus reveals how the Great Pyramid was built

Posted by in category: materials

A newly discovered papyrus contains an eye-witness account of the gathering of materials for the Great Pyramid.

Oct 29, 2021

Environmental Sustainability We Have Choices. Times We Got It Right. #teamseas @TubeBuddy

Posted by in categories: materials, sustainability

The Team Seas event is live. For every $1 raised they will remove 1 pound of plastic from the ocean. Please support this event by watching supporting videos and material and donating.

Oct 27, 2021

Tube-in-tube structure going strong

Posted by in category: materials

Similar to grass stems, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) scientists have created nanostrut-connected tube-in-tubes that enable stronger low-density structural materials.

Porous materials with engineered stretching-dominated lattice designs, which offer attractive mechanical properties with ultra-light weight and large surface area for wide-ranging applications, have recently achieved near-ideal linear scaling between stiffness and density.

In the new research, the team developed a process to transform fully dense, 3D-printed polymeric beams into graphitic carbon hollow tube-in-tube sandwich structures, where, similar to grass stems, the inner and outer are connected through a network of struts. The research is on the cover of the Oct. 25 issue of Nature Materials.

Oct 24, 2021

Scientists Make Hardened Wooden Knife That’s 3x Sharper Than Stainless-Steel

Posted by in categories: materials, sustainability

The sharpest knives available are made of either steel or ceramic, both of which are man-made materials that must be forged in furnaces under extreme temperatures. Now, researchers have developed a potentially more sustainable way to make sharp knives: using hardened wood. The method, presented October 20th, 2,021 in the journal Matter, makes wood 23 times harder, and a knife made from the material is nearly three times sharper than a stainless-steel dinner table knife.

“The knife cuts through a medium-well done steak easily, with similar performance to a dinner table knife,” says Teng Li, the senior author of the study and a materials scientist at the University of Maryland. Afterward, the hardened wood knife can be washed and reused, making it a promising alternative to steel, ceramic, and disposable plastic knives.

Li and his team also demonstrated that their material can be used to produce wooden nails as sharp as conventional steel nails. Unlike steel nails, the wooden nails the team developed are resistant to rusting. The researchers showed that these wooden nails could be used to hammer together three boards without any damage to the nail. In addition to knives and nails, Li hopes that, in the future, the material can also be used to make hardwood flooring that is more resistant to scratching and wear.

Oct 23, 2021

This New Flexible Alloy Can Heal Itself And Prevent Steel Corrosion

Posted by in categories: biological, materials

Scientists at Rice University have created a material that will protect steel from corrosion. In fact, it will also be flexible and heal itself when damaged.

This material will be used as a coating and is made from a lightweight sulfur-selenium alloy. It will be able to block moisture and chlorine-like zinc-and chromium-based coatings, protect steel under seawater-like conditions like polymer-based coatings, keep it from microbe-induced corrosion.

The experiments carried out before the results comprised putting small slabs of common mild steel coated with sulfur-selenium alloy in seawater for a month, along with an uncoated slab of steel as a control. The coated steel did not oxidize.

Oct 23, 2021

Physicists Have Created a New State of Matter. With Four Electrons?

Posted by in categories: materials, particle physics

The iron-based superconductor material, Ba1−xKxFe2As2. Vadim Grinenko, Federico Caglieris/KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Twenty years ago, scientists first predicted electron quadruplets. Now, KTH Professor Egor Babaev, with the aid of international collaborators, has revealed evidence of fermion quadrupling in a series of experimental measurements on the iron-based material, Ba 1−x Kx Fe 2 As 2.

This is the first-ever experimental evidence of this quadrupling effect and the mechanism by which this state of matter occurs.

Oct 21, 2021

Study: Recycled Lithium Batteries as Good as Newly Mined

Posted by in categories: materials, sustainability

Cathodes made with novel direct-recycling beat commercial materials.

Oct 18, 2021

Look: New NASA image shows a rare stellar death

Posted by in categories: cosmology, materials

The supernova remanent is located about 19,600 light years away from Earth.

A new image by Chandra reveals a rare supernova remanent created by a white dwarf accumulating material from another star until it explodes.

Oct 12, 2021

Japanese scientists turn to silkworms for COVID-19 vaccine

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, materials

Circa 2020

TOKYO — As scientists the world over scramble to develop a vaccine for the coronavirus, Kyushu University professor Takahiro Kusakabe and his team are working to develop a unique vaccine using silkworms.

In his project, each of the worms is a factory that manufactures a type of protein to serve as the key material for vaccine production. Kusakabe said it is possible to create an oral vaccine and aims to start clinical tests on humans in 2021.

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