

Archive for the ‘law enforcement’ category: Page 18

Sep 24, 2016

The robot bodyguard is coming — and you’ll want one

Posted by in categories: business, law enforcement, military, robotics/AI, security, transhumanism

My new story for VentureBeat on the coming of robot bodyguards. I’ll be speaking about this next week at RoboBusiness 2016, a major robotics conference in San Jose:

I recently consulted with the US Navy on all things “transhuman.” In those conversations about how science and technology can help the human race evolve beyond its natural limits, it was clear that military is keen on replacing human soldiers with both fighting and peacekeeping machines so American military lives never have to come under fire or be in harm’s way.

However, it’s the peacekeeping technology that is particularly interesting for many civilians. While you wouldn’t want an armed Terminator in your home, you might like a robot that travels with you and offers personal protection, like a bodyguard. In a survey by Travelzoo of 6,000 participants, nearly 80 percent of people said they expect robots to be a significant part of their lives by 2020 — and that those robots might even join them on holidays.

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Sep 12, 2016

Scientists Can Now Read Books Without Opening Them

Posted by in categories: government, law enforcement

Interesting — imagine now how this can be used in so many areas (legal/ law enforcement, government, etc.)

Because that’s basically what researchers from MIT and Georgia Tech are able to do with a new imaging system that can read individual pages without opening the cover.

So far the system, designed by researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), has been able to distinguish the lines on the first nine pages in a stack of paper.

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Aug 28, 2016

Unisys Survey Finds Wearable Technology to Revolutionize Biometrics; Privacy Issues Yet to Be Addressed

Posted by in categories: law enforcement, privacy, wearables

Law enforcement to lead adoption, but new formats and sensors will enable wider commercial application of wearable biometrics…

SYDNEY, Aug. 23, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — Law…

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Aug 23, 2016

System might detect doctored images and videos for the military

Posted by in categories: law enforcement, military

I see a future in TSA, FBI, CIA, local law enforcement, insurance companies’ fraud units, etc.

Purdue is leading part of an international effort to develop a system for the military that would detect doctored images and video and determine specifically how they were manipulated.

“This team has some of the most senior and skilled people out there in the field, some of whom helped to create the area of media forensics,” said Edward Delp, Purdue’s Charles William Harrison Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, in a press release.

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Jul 19, 2016

Law enforcement and the Dark Web, a never ending battle

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, internet, law enforcement, security

Dark Net v. Law Enforcement — who is winning and who is struggling.

The Dark web is a privileged place for cyber criminals that, under specific conditions, could operate in anonymity.

The United Nation’s Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has published its annual report that contains a specific mention to the illicit trade of goods and drugs in this hidden part of the web.

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Jul 19, 2016

Darknet Market Raises Its Ugly Head Again

Posted by in categories: internet, law enforcement, security

Their back.

Cyber Mafias The internet has always been the most preferred platform for carrying out illicit activities. The underground black markets are not a new phenomenon in the virtual world. However, these black markets are now becoming more sophisticated and organized. Darkness is one such underground marketplaces which are rising and becoming uglier. Though law enforcement agencies have brought down the number of such illegal platforms, the Darknet markets are up and running. Darknet markets are growing bigger than ever with over $50 million UDS transactions reportedly flowing through these marketplaces and it is a big challenge in front of security agencies and governments to finish this underground industry from its roots.

Decoding Darknet

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Jul 13, 2016

China takes finance executives on prison tour to curb scandals

Posted by in categories: finance, law enforcement

Have a lot of corporate corruption; take your executives on a tour inside the local Federal Prison. China believes this is the best option to prevent corruption.

Shanghai’s online finance association showed its member executives a taste of life behind bars on Tuesday as part of an effort to nip crime in the bud in a sector that has been dogged by scandal.

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Jun 12, 2016

Down Under: Missing 3D Printer Used to Make Illegal Gun Found & More Bikies in Cuffs

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, biotech/medical, drones, government, law enforcement, robotics/AI, transportation

Several months ago I warned folks about how criminals can use AI (drones, robots, self driving cars, 3D printers printing drugs, etc.) against the public. Here is another example of how stolen technology can place people at risk.

Australia definitely has a love/hate relationship with 3D printing. There are numerous research programs and innovative ideas coming to us from Down Under, from a periodontist bioprinting jaw and gum cells for future dental surgeries to a group of entrepreneurs using the technology to benefit a charity for children at risk. New partnerships and distribution agreements abound.

3D printing is undoubtedly responsible for an inordinate amount of good happening—with much more to come—on the Australian continent. But the subject of fabricated weaponry has led the government to explore the dark side of this technology, with some police even admitting that they are terrified of 3D printed guns. Whether law enforcement approves or not, the flow of hardware is certainly on the rise for offering the tools of the trade to designers on nearly every level, legal or otherwise.

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May 14, 2016

Former Game Developer Details the Horrible Torture He Faced in Iranian Prison

Posted by in categories: entertainment, law enforcement

Amazing story.

His cell was infested with rats, which he had to kill himself using a broomstick.

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May 11, 2016

Stephen Hawking says Black Holes could be portals to another Universe

Posted by in categories: cosmology, law enforcement

According to statements from renowned astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, Black Holes are not the cosmic prisons we thought they were, and could actually be portals to another universe.


During a lecture at Harvard’s Sanders Theater, renowned physicist Stephen Hawking helped about Black Holes during an event which marked the inauguration of Harvard’s Black Hole Initiative wich aims to join numerous scientists and focus scientifically on Black Hole Research.

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