

Archive for the ‘information science’ category: Page 25

Mar 10, 2024

World’s largest sand battery set to slash emissions in Finnish town

Posted by in categories: energy, information science

Having refined its charging algorithms, Polar Night Energy is now ready to scale up the storage tech in Pornainen.

Once completed, the new battery will be integrated with the network of Loviisan Lämpö, the Finnish heating company that supplies district heating in the area.

“Loviisan Lämpö is moving towards more environmentally friendly energy production. With the Sand Battery, we can significantly reduce energy produced by combustion and completely eliminate the use of oil,” says CEO Mikko Paajanen.

Mar 9, 2024

The AI Takeover In Cinema: How Movie Studios Use Artificial Intelligence

Posted by in categories: entertainment, finance, information science, media & arts, robotics/AI

The film industry, always at the forefront of technological innovation, is increasingly embracing artificial intelligence (AI) to revolutionize movie production, distribution, and marketing. From script analysis to post-production, Already AI is reshaping how movies are made and consumed. Let’s explore the current applications of AI in movie studios and speculates on future uses, highlighting real examples and the transformative impact of these technologies.

AI’s infiltration into the movie industry begins at the scriptwriting stage. Tools like ScriptBook use natural language processing to analyze scripts, predict box office success, and offer insights into plot and character development. For instance, 20th Century Fox employed AI to analyze the script of Logan, which helped in making informed decisions about the movie’s plot and themes. Consider, in pre-production, AI has also aided in casting and location scouting. Warner Bros. partnered with Cinelytic to use AI for casting decisions, evaluating an actor’s market value to predict a film’s financial success. For example, let’s look at location scouting. AI algorithms can sift through thousands of hours of footage to identify suitable filming locations, streamlining what was once a time-consuming process.

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Mar 9, 2024

Transforming the cardiometabolic disease landscape: Multimodal AI-powered approaches in prevention and management

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, information science, robotics/AI

Multimodal #AI for better prevention and treatment of cardiometabolic diseases.

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized various scientific fields, particularly in medicine, where it has enabled the modeling of complex relationships from massive datasets. Initially, AI algorithms focused on improved interpretation of diagnostic studies such as chest X-rays and electrocardiograms in addition to predicting patient outcomes and future disease onset. However, AI has evolved with the introduction of transformer models, allowing analysis of the diverse, multimodal data sources existing in medicine today.

Mar 9, 2024

Tools Underestimate Cardiovascular Event Risk in People with HIV

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, health, information science

The elevated cardiovascular disease risk among people with HIV is even greater than predicted by a standard risk calculator in several groups, including Black people and cisgender women, according to analyses from a large international clinical trial primarily funded by the National institutes of Health and presented at the 2024 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) in Denver. The risk of having a first major cardiovascular event was also higher than previously predicted for people from high-income regions and those whose HIV replication was not suppressed below detectable levels.

Researchers examined the incidence of major adverse cardiovascular events in people who did not take pitavastatin or other statins during the Randomized Trial to Prevent Vascular Events in HIV (REPRIEVE) trial, a large clinical trial to test whether pitavastatin—a cholesterol-lowering drug known to prevent cardiovascular disease—could prevent major adverse cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks and strokes, in people with HIV. The scientists compared the incidence of cardiovascular events in the trial to the incidence predicted by standard estimates, which use the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association’s Pooled Cohort Risk Equations (PCE) score.

They found that the rate of cardiovascular events occurring in many groups of people differed from predicted rates, even considering that people with HIV have a higher overall risk of cardiovascular disease than people without HIV, including double the risk of major adverse cardiovascular events. Notably, in high-income regions—as defined by the global burden of disease classification system—including North and South America and Europe, cardiovascular event rates were higher overall, with cisgender women experiencing about two and a half times more events than predicted, and Black participants having more than 50% higher event rates than predicted.

Mar 9, 2024

Using AI to predict the spread of lung cancer

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, information science, robotics/AI

For decades, scientists and pathologists have tried, without much success, to come up with a way to determine which individual lung cancer patients are at greatest risk of having their illness spread, or metastasize, to other parts of the body.

Now a team of scientists from Caltech and the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis has fed that problem to (AI) algorithms, asking computers to predict which cancer cases are likely to metastasize. In a novel of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients, AI outperformed expert pathologists in making such predictions.

These predictions about the progression of lung cancer have important implications in terms of an individual patient’s life. Physicians treating early-stage NSCLC patients face the extremely difficult decision of whether to intervene with expensive, toxic treatments, such as chemotherapy or radiation, after a patient undergoes lung surgery. In some ways, this is the more cautious path because more than half of stage I–III NSCLC patients eventually experience metastasis to the brain. But that means many others do not. For those patients, such difficult treatments are wholly unnecessary.

Mar 9, 2024

Designing a drone that uses adaptive invisibility: Towards autonomous sea-land-air cloaks

Posted by in categories: drones, information science, robotics/AI

The idea of objects seamlessly disappearing, not just in controlled laboratory environments but also in real-world scenarios, has long captured the popular imagination. This concept epitomizes the trajectory of human civilization, from primitive camouflage techniques to the sophisticated metamaterial-based cloaks of today.

Recently, this goal was further highlighted in Science, as one of the “125 questions: exploration and discovery.” Researchers from Zhejiang University have made strides in this direction by demonstrating an intelligent aero amphibious invisibility cloak. This cloak can maintain invisibility amidst dynamic environments, neutralizing external stimuli.

Despite decades of research and the emergence of numerous invisibility cloak prototypes, achieving an aero amphibious cloak capable of manipulating electromagnetic scattering in against ever-changing landscapes remains a formidable challenge. The hurdles are multifaceted, ranging from the need for complex-amplitude tunable metasurfaces to the absence of intelligent algorithms capable of addressing inherent issues such as non-uniqueness and incomplete inputs.

Mar 9, 2024

Not Science Fiction: How Optical Neural Networks Are Revolutionizing AI

Posted by in categories: information science, robotics/AI, sustainability

A novel architecture for optical neural networks utilizes wavefront shaping to precisely manipulate the travel of ultrashort pulses through multimode fibers, enabling nonlinear optical computation.

Present-day artificial intelligence systems rely on billions of adjustable parameters to accomplish complex objectives. Yet, the vast quantity of these parameters incurs significant expenses. The training and implementation of such extensive models demand considerable memory and processing power, available only in enormous data center facilities, consuming energy on par with the electrical demands of medium-sized cities. In response, researchers are currently reevaluating both the computing infrastructure and the machine learning algorithms to ensure the sustainable advancement of artificial intelligence continues at its current rate.

Optical implementation of neural network architectures is a promising avenue because of the low-power implementation of the connections between the units. New research reported in Advanced Photonics combines light propagation inside multimode fibers with a small number of digitally programmable parameters and achieves the same performance on image classification tasks with fully digital systems with more than 100 times more programmable parameters.

Mar 8, 2024

The Impact Of Artificial Intelligence On The Art World

Posted by in categories: business, information science, robotics/AI

Without a more comprehensive set of big data, AI algorithms are more likely to generate an inaccurate or incomplete data model. Insufficient data leads to a model that is not capable of predicting outcomes with the level of accuracy that’s needed in the real world.

Anyone with experience in the art market also knows that markets can fluctuate without any indication as to why. AI will not have the answer. Tech entrepreneur Boris Pevzner, founder of AI-powered data platform Live Art, asserts that while AI is a tool that can be used as an indicator, it is not something that can predict any real-world auction prices.

Although AI is becoming increasingly prevalent in the art business, it does not have to be seen as a threat. Many people view AI as a dangerous tool, but AI does not need to be perceived in this way. Instead of a replacement for human expertise, we should see it as a tool of advancement to be used alongside humans to improve the quality of their work.

Mar 8, 2024

Deep learning algorithm predicts structures of biomolecular assemblies

Posted by in categories: information science, robotics/AI

RoseTTAFold extended to predict structures of proteins bound to small molecules.

Mar 6, 2024

Human-like Real-Time Sketching by a Humanoid Robot

Posted by in categories: information science, robotics/AI

The rapid advancement of deep learning algorithms and generative models has enabled the automated production of increasingly striking AI-generated artistic content. Most of this AI-generated art, however, is created by algorithms and computational models, rather than by physical robots.

Researchers at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) recently developed a deep learning-based model that allows a humanoid robot to sketch pictures, similarly to how a human artist would. Their paper, published in Cognitive Systems Research, offers a remarkable demonstration of how robots could actively engage in creative processes.

“Our idea was to propose a robot application that could attract the scientific community and the general public,” Raúl Fernandez-Fernandez, co-author of the paper, told Tech Xplore. “We thought about a task that could be shocking to see a robot performing, and that was how the concept of doing art with a humanoid robot came to us.”

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