

Archive for the ‘government’ category: Page 8

Jan 31, 2024

Consensus report of the 2021 National Cancer Institute neuroendocrine tumor clinical trials planning meeting

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, government

Abstract. Important progress has been made over the last decade in the classification, imaging, and treatment of neuroendocrine neoplasm (NENs), with several new agents approved for use. Although the treatment options available for patients with well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) have greatly expanded, the rapidly changing landscape has presented several unanswered questions about how best to optimize, sequence, and individualize therapy. Perhaps the most important development over the last decade has been the approval of 177 Lu-DOTATATE for treatment of gastroenteropancreatic-NETs, raising questions around optimal sequencing of peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) relative to other therapeutic options, the role of re-treatment with PRRT, and whether PRRT can be further optimized through use of dosimetry among other approaches. The NET Task Force of the National Cancer Institute GI Steering Committee convened a clinical trial planning meeting in 2021 with multidisciplinary experts from academia, the federal government, industry, and patient advocates to develop NET clinical trials in the era of PRRT. Key clinical trial recommendations for development included 1) PRRT re-treatment, 2) PRRT and immunotherapy combinations, 3) PRRT and DNA damage repair inhibitor combinations, 4) treatment for liver-dominant disease, 5) treatment for PRRT-resistant disease, and 6) dosimetry-modified PRRT.

Jan 30, 2024

Licensing NASA Tech: Bridging Government to Commerce

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, government, information science, robotics/AI

While NASA is well-known for advancing various technologies for the purposes of space exploration, whether it’s sending spacecraft to another world or for use onboard the International Space Station (ISS), the little-known fact is that these same technologies can be licensed for commercial use to benefit humankind right here on the Earth through NASA’s Spinoff program, which is part of NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate and its Technology Transfer program. This includes fields like communication, medical, weather forecasting, and even the very mattresses we sleep on, and are all featured in NASA’s annual Spinoff book, with NASA’s 2024 Spinoff book being the latest in sharing these technologies with the private sector.

“As NASA’s longest continuously running program, we continue to increase the number of technologies we license year-over-year while streamlining the development path from the government to the commercial sector,” Daniel Lockney, Technology Transfer Program Executive at NASA Headquarters, said in a statement. “These commercialization success stories continually prove the benefits of transitioning agency technologies into private hands, where the real impacts are made.”

One example is a medical-grade smartwatch called EmbracePlus developed by Empatica Inc., which uses machine learning algorithms to monitor a person’s vitals, including sleep patterns, heart rate, and oxygen flow. EmbracePlus reached mass production status in 2021 and has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) with the goal of using the smartwatch for astronauts on future spaceflights, including the upcoming Artemis missions, along with medical patients back on Earth.

Jan 29, 2024

70 years of MKUltra, the CIA ‘mind-control’ program that inspired ‘Stranger Things’

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, chemistry, government, life extension, neuroscience

MKUltra is not referenced explicitly on Stranger Things — the popular Netflix show — but the series seems to be inspired by the controversial CIA program. In the show, a government laboratory is conducting illegal experiments on a young girl and other persons, torturing them, and harnessing their special abilities for their own purposes. This is similar to the goals of the CIA human experimentation project, which was started 70 years ago.

Controversial and unethical experiments were conducted on human subjects by the Agency for the MKUltra project, including the use of mind control techniques and the administration of drugs such as LSD and other chemicals. Electroshock, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, verbal and sexual abuse, and other forms of torture were also part of the non-consensual experiments, which were created because the CIA was convinced that communists had discovered a way to control human minds. Its activities — which were hidden and classified before their files being destroyed after an investigation — remain a subject of concern and investigation to this day.

MKUltra was a CIA program involving the research and development of chemical and biological agents. According to official documents, it was “concerned with the research and development of chemical, biological and radiological materials capable of employment in clandestine operations to control human behavior.”

Jan 28, 2024

SES, Eutelsat, Hispasat: Why we’re investing in Europe’s Iris2 constellation; Starlink & Kuiper are problems for us

Posted by in categories: government, internet, satellites

BRUSSELS — Three of Europe’s biggest satellite fleet operators — SES, Eutelsat and Hispasat — explained why they are investing in the European Commission’s Iris2 multi-orbit satellite constellation, designed as a public-private partnership with the Commission and the 22-nation European Space Agency (ESA).

Three weeks before their SpaceRise consortium’s best-and-final bid is due, these companies said Iris2 gives them part ownership in a global medium-and low-Earth-orbit network whose capex is mainly government funded.

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Jan 21, 2024

TSMC 2nm Update: Two Fabs in Construction, One Awaiting Government Approval

Posted by in categories: computing, finance, government

When Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) is prepping to roll out an all-new process technology, it usually builds a new fab to meet demand of its alpha customers and then either adds capacity by upgrading existing fabs or building another facility. With N2 (2nm-class), the company seems to be taking a slightly different approach as it is already constructing two N2-capable fabs and is awaiting for a government approval for the third one.

We are also preparing our N2 volume production starting in 2025,” said Mark Liu, TSMC’s outgoing chairman, at the company’s earnings call with financial analysts and investors. “We plan to build multiple fabs or multiple phases of 2nm technologies in both Hsinchu and Kaohsiung science parks to support the strong structural demand from our customers. […] “In the Taichung Science Park, the government approval process is ongoing and is also on track.”

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Jan 15, 2024

US Nvidia ban reportedly bypassed by China’s military and AI institutes

Posted by in categories: government, military, robotics/AI

These AI chips contribute to running complex machine-learning tasks and augmenting existing AI models.

In the last year, Chinese military groups, government-backed AI research institutes, and universities bought small amounts of Nvidia computer chips.

Jan 14, 2024

OpenAI’s policy update signals for the future of AI and military

Posted by in categories: government, military, policy, robotics/AI

From blanket bans to specific prohibitions

Previously, OpenAI had a strict ban on using its technology for any “activity that has high risk of physical harm, including” “weapons development” and “military and warfare.” This would prevent any government or military agency from using OpenAI’s services for defense or security purposes. However, the new policy has removed the general ban on “military and warfare” use. Instead, it has listed some specific examples of prohibited use cases, such as “develop or use weapons” or “harm yourself or others.”

Jan 12, 2024

Biomedical Research and Longevity Society, Inc.

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, cryonics, education, finance, government, life extension

(BRLS), formerly known as Life Extension Foundation, Inc., is one of the world’s leading providers of financial support for otherwise unfunded research in the areas of cryobiology, interventive gerontology and cryonics. During the last decade alone, BRLS awarded more than $100 million in grants to highly-specialized cryogenic research organizations.

BRLS is exempt from taxation under Internal Revenue Service code Section 501©(4)1, and is operated exclusively to promote social welfare through scientific research and education. BRLS was founded in 1977, and since then, we have awarded hundreds of grants to scientists throughout the United States who are personally committed to our mission. These dedicated professionals take extraordinary steps to make their research as cost-effective as possible. We are careful to commit our research dollars to projects that are difficult or impossible to fund through government and institutional grants or other sources.

Jan 11, 2024

New report identifies types of cyberattacks that manipulate behavior of AI systems

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, government, robotics/AI

Adversaries can deliberately confuse or even “poison” artificial intelligence (AI) systems to make them malfunction—and there’s no foolproof defense that their developers can employ. Computer scientists from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and their collaborators identify these and other vulnerabilities of AI and machine learning (ML) in a new publication.

Their work, titled Adversarial Machine Learning: A Taxonomy and Terminology of Attacks and Mitigations, is part of NIST’s broader effort to support the development of trustworthy AI, and it can help put NIST’s AI Risk Management Framework into practice. The publication, a collaboration among government, academia, and industry, is intended to help AI developers and users get a handle on the types of attacks they might expect along with approaches to mitigate them—with the understanding that there is no silver bullet.

“We are providing an overview of attack techniques and methodologies that consider all types of AI systems,” said NIST computer scientist Apostol Vassilev, one of the publication’s authors. “We also describe current mitigation strategies reported in the literature, but these available defenses currently lack robust assurances that they fully mitigate the risks. We are encouraging the community to come up with better defenses.”

Jan 10, 2024

AI discovers that not every fingerprint is unique

Posted by in categories: government, robotics/AI

It’s a well-accepted fact in the forensics community that fingerprints of different fingers of the same person— intra-person fingerprints—are unique and, therefore, unmatchable.

A team led by Columbia Engineering undergraduate senior Gabe Guo challenged this widely held presumption. Guo, who had no prior knowledge of forensics, found a public U.S. government database of some 60,000 fingerprints and fed them in pairs into an artificial intelligence-based system known as a deep contrastive network. Sometimes the pairs belonged to the same person (but different fingers), and sometimes they belonged to different people.

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