

Archive for the ‘geopolitics’ category: Page 15

Apr 27, 2018

Deniers and Critics of AI Will Only Be Left Behind

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, ethics, genetics, geopolitics, health, policy, robotics/AI, transhumanism

This month I’m participating in Cato Institute’s Cato Unbound discussion. Cato is one of the world’s leading think tanks. Here’s my new and second essay for the project:

Professor David D. Friedman sweeps aside my belief that religion may well dictate the development of AI and other radical transhumanist tech in the future. However, at the core of a broad swath of American society lies a fearful luddite tradition. Americans—including the U.S. Congress, where every member is religious—often base their life philosophies and work ethics on their faiths. Furthermore, a recent Pew study showed 7 in 10 Americans were worried about technology in people’s bodies and brains, even if it offered health benefits.

It rarely matters what point in American history innovation has come out. Anesthesia, vaccines, stem cells, and other breakthroughs have historically all battled to survive under pressure from conservatives and Christians. I believe that if formal religion had not impeded our natural secular progress as a nation over the last 250 years, we would have been much further along in terms of human evolution. Instead of discussing and arguing about our coming transhumanist future, we’d be living in it.

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Feb 18, 2018

The global space race, 2.0 — By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan | The WorldPost

Posted by in categories: geopolitics, governance, government, innovation, space

“The recent launch of the SpaceX rocket Falcon Heavy is a good illustration of the entry of efficient and innovative private players into an arena long considered the preserve of national governments. But this does not mean that national competition in outer space is disappearing. If anything, it is actually accelerating in Asia. China’s growing space prowess is leading to a space race with India and Japan, which are beginning to pool their resources to better match Beijing.”

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Feb 18, 2018

China’s great leap forward in science — By Philip Ball | The Guardian

Posted by in categories: geopolitics, governance, government, science

“These days, Chinese scientists stand at least as good a chance of making a global impact on science from within China itself.”

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Jan 21, 2018

Bioquark Inc. — The Edge News Television — Ira Pastor

Posted by in categories: aging, alien life, bioengineering, biotech/medical, cosmology, DNA, futurism, genetics, geopolitics, life extension

Jan 20, 2018

I met with the President of Chile, Michelle Bachele, last night

Posted by in categories: geopolitics, transhumanism

We talked a bit, and I had dinner at the presidential palace. Here’s a quick snapshot I got of us chatting! There are some professional pictures coming too. #transhumanism

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Jan 15, 2018

Simply fix the Moon Treaty

Posted by in categories: economics, geopolitics, space, treaties

My article with Jeff Sommers (see “The emerging field of space economics: theoretical and practical considerations”, The Space Review, December 18, 2017) raised considerable criticism regarding the Moon Treaty, particularly, the inclusion of the Common Heritage of Mankind (CHM) doctrine. Leigh Ratiner, L5 attorney during the 1980 Senate ratification hearings, had identified CHM as the reason for rejecting ratification:

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Jan 7, 2018

Revenue Neutral model reduces altcoin investment risk

Posted by in categories: bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, economics, finance, geopolitics, internet

Titles are chosen by editors and not journalists or experts. I fought my editor over the above title. Yes, I address the teaser—and I explain a solid altcoin investment model. But, that comes after the break. The first part of this article should be titled “Why would anyone quote cost or value in Bitcoin?”. The subjects are highly related, so bear with me…

Today, a reader asked this question:

Some financial sites discuss value in Bitcoin terms, rather
than dollars or Euros. Why would I calculate the value of a
new car, my rent or an investment in this way? It’s hard to
understand how much money I need!

Answer: Your right! It’s difficult to estimate the value of a car or your rent in terms of Bitcoin. You are paid in dollars or Euros—and your landlord quotes rent in the same currency.

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Dec 13, 2017

Zoltan Istvan; Libertarian, Transhumanist, and Governor of California?

Posted by in categories: geopolitics, transhumanism

A new story on my work out from Bodyhacks. (Please remember I don’t write these stories nor pick the photos, but I’m honored people I don’t know choose to cover my work and #libertairan governor campaign however they wish):…alifornia/ #transhumanism

On the 2018 California ballot, the good people of California will have a chance to vote not only for a candidate who stands for a unique political agenda but one who stands for an equally unique non-political ideology. Zoltan Istvan [real name] will run on the Libertarian party’s platform, but with a transhumanist agenda.

He’s not the first transhumanist to run. In Australia, Meow Meow Ludo Disco Gamma [also real name] ran for office on a science platform last year, but that was way down under. This is ‘Merica, and it’s not the first time Istvan has run either. He put his name in the hat with Hilary and Donald in the last presidential election. [Psst, he didn’t win.]

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Nov 27, 2017

U.S. Transhumanist Party Chairman’s Anniversary Message

Posted by in categories: geopolitics, policy, transhumanism

Some anniversary info from the Transhumanist Party, which I founded a few years back. This growing political party—under new leadership now—continues to prove important and inspiring. Congratulations to all those who have helped it forward! #transhumanism

Gennady Stolyarov II

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Nov 21, 2017

Why cyborg creators must self-govern security, privacy efforts

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, cyborgs, geopolitics, robotics/AI, transhumanism

Most people probably aren’t aware of this, but the 2016 U.S. Presidential election included a candidate who had a radio-frequency identification chip implanted in his hand. No, it wasn’t Donald J. Trump. It was Zoltan Istvan, a nominee representing the Silicon Valley-based Transhumanist Party and his body-worn chip unlocked his front door, provided computer password access and sent an auto-text that said: “Win in 2016!”

The transhumanist movement – employing technology and radical science to modify humans – offers a glimpse into the marriage of machines and people, the focus of a recent paper released by the Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology (ICIT). With cybernetic implants already available to consumers, the prospect for techno-human transmutation – cyborgs – is not as far away as many may think.

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