This study investigated the ability of vessel wall imaging to identify the rarely reported spontaneous intracranial carotid dissection (sICD) guided by postmortem validation:
Background and Objectives.
This study investigated the ability of vessel wall imaging to identify the rarely reported spontaneous intracranial carotid dissection (sICD) guided by postmortem validation:
Background and Objectives.
We know that there is not Nothing. There is Something. It is not the case that there is no world, nothing at all, a blank. It is the case that there is a world. Nothing did not obtain. But why?
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Another video with some of the best arguments of the physicist Sean Carroll. Videos I used: Atheist Q & A:, J…
Free access to Closer to Truth’s library of 5,000 videos: What’s real? What’s fundamental? There are regularities in nature, things tha…
My Website: petejudo.comFollow me: Behavioral Science Instagram: @petejudoofficialInstagram: @petejudoTwitter: @petejudoLinkedIn: Peter JudodihardjoGood tools…
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Update: My mistake in the video, Elsevier and the list of other orgs I mentioned are \.
We were privileged to host the extraordinary Dr. Michael Levin, an eminent scientist and esteemed developmental and synthetic biologist, for a truly exceptional event titled \.
What Matters to Me and Why is a series of virtual presentations followed by discussion that goes beyond the great research we’ve heard about: To give our community a chance to get to know how our faculty came to their topics and—in their own words—what inspires and is important to them!
Scientists have detected the decay of radioactive nuclei by tracking the recoil of dust-sized spheres on which the nuclei were embedded.
High temperatures continued to break records in June.
El mes de junio fue el sexto mes del año más caluroso registrado en la historia y el decimotercer mes consecutivo en establecer un récord de temperatura mensual, informó este lunes la Organización Meteorológica Mundial (OMM).
Los datos del Servicio de Cambio Climático Copernicus de la Unión Europea revelaron que la temperatura global promedio ha estado 1,5°C por encima del nivel preindustrial durante doce meses consecutivos, pese a que ese aumento marca la meta del Acuerdo de París para fin de siglo.
Además, la temperatura media de la superficie del mar se ubicó en junio en 20,85°C, el valor más alto documentado para el mes.