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A few months ago I warned folks about the resettlement and expansion across Siberia; well this was one of the reasons I listed. So, here we are.

Russia has increased its Arctic oil production despite limitations imposed by Western sanctions and a more than two-year plunge in global oil prices, causing angst with environmentalists that warn of serious environmental degradation in case of a mishap.

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Baterias comestível feita com melanina e materiais absorvíveis.

Baterias de melanina é baixa em relação ao de iões de lítio, seria suficientemente elevada para alimentar um dispositivo de libertação de fármaco ou de detecção ingerível. Por exemplo, Bettinger prevê usando a bateria do seu grupo para detectar mudanças intestino microbioma e respondendo com um comunicado da medicina, ou para a entrega de rajadas de uma vacina durante várias horas antes de degradar.

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Russian defense analyst Vladimir Tuchkov analyses Russian, Chinese and American developments in hypersonic weapons technology, including the expected timeframe for their deployment, which is sooner than you may expect.

Last week, Tactical Missile Systems Corporation general director Boris Obnosov told Russian media that he was confident that Russia would be introducing hypersonic missiles capable of speeds between Mach 6 and Mach 7 by the year 2020.

A Russian anti-ballistic missile test

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Hmmm; I did know that the early day astronauts did practice the moon walk near one of the volcanoes in Hawaii.

Since August last year, six scientists have been living isolated from the outside world 8,200 feet up a dormant volcano in Hawaii. Confined to a dome 11 metre wide with a living area of about 1,000 square feet, the team is only allowed to venture outside when wearing NASA spacesuits, just like future astronauts on Mars will have to do.

It is the fourth and longest mission by the Hawaii Space Exploration Analog Simulation (HI-SEAS).