

Archive for the ‘futurism’ category: Page 1026

Feb 20, 2017

Scientists Want to Genetically Engineer Humans

Posted by in categories: futurism, genetics

Scientists just endorsed human gene manipulation.

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Feb 18, 2017

2017 (Buckminster) Fuller Challenge Prize

Posted by in categories: complex systems, energy, engineering, environmental, futurism, innovation, science, sustainability

“Launched in 2007, the Fuller Challenge has defined an emerging field of practice: the whole systems approach to understanding and intervening in complex and interrelated crises for wide-scale social and environmental impact. The entry criteria have established a new framework through which to identify and measure effective, enduring solutions to global sustainability’s most entrenched challenges. The rigorous selection process has set a unique standard, gaining renown as “Socially-Responsible Design’s Highest Award.”

The Fuller Challenge attracts bold, visionary, tangible initiatives focused on a well-defined need of critical importance. Winning solutions are regionally specific yet globally applicable and present a truly comprehensive, anticipatory, integrated approach to solving the world’s complex problems.”

Deadline is March 31, 2017

Feb 17, 2017

Swiss trash

Posted by in category: futurism

This Swiss-made trash can teach the world how to get rid of garbage in style.

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Feb 16, 2017

Meet Zealandia: Earth’s latest continent

Posted by in category: futurism

New Zealand might be Australia’s smaller neighbor but it’s sitting on a massive new continent scientists have named “Zealandia,” according to a publication released by The Geological Society of America.

New Zealand and Australia might be able to finally give each other more breathing room. It turns out they sit on separate continents. New Zealand calls a 1.8 million square mile land mass known as Zealandia home. This new continent also includes New Caledonia, along with several other territories and island groups.

The idea of a potential continent in this area has been around for some time. Geophysicist Bruce Luyendyk coined the term Zealandia in 1995.

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Feb 16, 2017

Finite-temperature scaling of trace distance discord near criticality in spin diamond structure

Posted by in categories: futurism, quantum physics

Nice research on finite temperatures and diamond structure spins.

Here the quantum criticality in the Ising-XXZ diamond structure at finite temperature have been studied by the trance distance discord calculations. Around the critical lines, the first-order derivative of the trace distance discord exhibits a maximal at a finite temperature and diverges under the thermodynamic limits T → 0. By analyzing the finite-temperature scaling behaviors, we show that the trace distance discord can detect exactly the quantum phase transition from the entangled state in ferrimagnetic phase to an unentangled state in ferrimagnetic phase or to an unentangled state in ferromagnetic phase. The results also show that the trace distance can distinguish the two kinds of transitions by consulting to the different finite-temperature scaling behaviors. As a comparison, we also study the behaviors of some other typical quantum correlations (e.g., concurrence, quantum discord and Hellinger distance) around the critical points, and the results state that the trance distance discord is more reliable than the others to spotlight the critical points for this Ising-XXZ diamond structure at finite temperatures.

Surely, this model system has three different critical phases, and it would be significant and challenging in the future to consider the multipartite quantum correlations which may grasp all these transitions. The bipartite quantum correlations imposed on this Ising-XXZ diamond structure, as studied in this work, can not detect the transition from UFI phase to UFM phase at finite temperature, an issue for future investigations.

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Feb 15, 2017

The world in 2045, according to Pentagon researchers

Posted by in categories: futurism, military

Three researchers from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency make some predictions for the future.

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Feb 15, 2017

Interesting Futurism Animation 37

Posted by in category: futurism

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Feb 15, 2017

Warren Buffett just dropped Walmart, and signaled the death of retail as we know it

Posted by in category: futurism

Retail is dieing.

Buffett’s been paring his stake in Walmart since. He first bought shares in Walmart in 2005.

He said Amazon’s competitors, “including us in a few areas, have not figured the way to either participate in it, or to counter it.”

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Feb 14, 2017

This Injection Can Make You Fall In Love

Posted by in category: futurism

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Feb 14, 2017

Scientists Just Showed That Human Eyes Can Detect A Single Photon

Posted by in category: futurism

In Brief:

Researchers found out that human eyes can detect single photons when in the dark. Human eyes become more sensitive when subjected to darkness, making our eyes capable of doing a task that even high-tech machines struggle to perform.

Researchers from Rockefeller University and the University of Vienna recently discovered that human eyes can detect even the smallest units of light, called photons, under super-dark conditions. This is the first time that experts were able to show this capability of the human eye.

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