

Archive for the ‘food’ category: Page 27

Dec 27, 2023

Indian Scientists Search For A Safer, Greener Rice

Posted by in category: food

An Indian researcher led a team that developed a rice variety that takes up less arsenic and they’re now working on one that will generate less greenhouse gas emissions.

According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 140 million people in over 70 countries drink water containing the toxic element arsenic at levels above WHO guidelines and in the Indian subcontinent, contaminated water from the Himalayas flow down across multiple countries into farmlands and irrigation reservoirs, which are then absorbed by food crops like rice, the dominant dietary staple in the region.

Jauhar Ali, head of the Hybrid Rice Development Consortium (HRDC), at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) says that in 2012, he and his team identified that arsenic toxicity was a key rice production constraint in India and Bangladesh.

Dec 26, 2023

Electric Bowl and Spoon Designed to Salten Foods Without Salt: Japan’s New Innovation

Posted by in categories: food, health

In the realm of culinary innovation, Japan has once again captured the spotlight with a groundbreaking invention. Imagine savoring your favorite low-sodium dishes, but with the rich salty flavor. This is no longer a fantasy, thanks to the ingenious creation of the ’ Electric Salt ’ bowl and spoon by scientists at Kirin Holdings Company and Meiji University in Japan (Figure 1).

Launched this year in Japan, the ‘Electric Salt’ devices are more than just ordinary kitchenware. They employ a subtle electrical stimulation, amplifying the salty taste of foods by an astonishing 1.5 times, all without the health drawbacks of high sodium intake. This revolutionary technology promises a new horizon for those mindful of their salt consumption, without sacrificing flavor.

This ingenious mechanism allows a minuscule electric current to pass through the food, enhancing the sodium ions’ journey to the diner’s taste buds. This process remarkably intensifies the salty flavor without any known impact on human health.

Dec 25, 2023

No, AI cannot be named as an inventor, UK Supreme Court says

Posted by in categories: food, robotics/AI

The UK’s supreme court has ruled that AI cannot be named as an inventor and secure patent rights. It follows earlier decisions from lower courts that reached the same conclusions.

On Wednesday, US computer scientist Stephen Thaler lost his attempt to register patents for inventions he says were created by his AI system, DABUS.

Thaler said DABUS autonomously created a light beacon and a container for food and drink, and entitled to rights over the inventions.

Dec 23, 2023

This first CRISPR gene-editing treatment is just the beginning. Here’s what’s coming next

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, chemistry, food, genetics, robotics/AI

2023 was the year that CRISPR gene-editing sliced its way out of the lab and into the public consciousness—and American medical system. The Food and Drug Administration recently approved the first gene-editing CRISPR therapy, Casgevy (or exa-cel), a treatment from CRISPR Therapeutics and partner Vertex for patients with sickle cell disease. This comes on the heels of a similar green light by U.K. regulators in a historic moment for a gene-editing technology whose foundations were laid back in the 1980s, eventually resulting in a 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for pioneering CRISPR scientists Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier.

That decades-long gap between initial scientific spark, widespread academic recognition, and now the market entry of a potential cure for blood disorders like sickle cell disease that afflict hundreds of thousands of people around the world is telling. If past is prologue, even newer CRISPR gene-editing approaches being studied today have the potential to treat diseases ranging from cancer and muscular dystrophy to heart disease, birth more resilient livestock and plants that can grapple with climate change and new strains of deadly viruses, and even upend the energy industry by tweaking bacterial DNA to create more efficient biofuels in future decades. And novel uses of CRISPR, with assists from other technologies like artificial intelligence, might fuel even more precise, targeted gene-editing—in turn accelerating future discovery with implications for just about any industry that relies on biological material, from medicine to agriculture to energy.

With new CRISPR discoveries guided by AI, specifically, we can expand the toolbox available for gene editing, which is crucial for therapeutic, diagnostic, and research applications… but also a great way to better understand the vast diversity of microbial defense mechanisms, said Feng Zhang, another CRISPR pioneer, molecular biologist, and core member at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard in an emailed statement to Fast Company.

Dec 22, 2023

China creates world’s first chimeric monkey with fluorescent eyes, fingertips

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, food, genetics

ICYMI: In a groundbreaking achievement, researchers have successfully created a chimeric monkey with two different sets of DNA through the injection of stem cells from one monkey embryo into another of the same species.


Scientists based in China have successfully created a chimeric monkey.

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Dec 22, 2023

LandingLens: Artificial Intelligence and Food and Beverage Packaging Inspection

Posted by in categories: food, robotics/AI

With a demand for food and beverage (F&B) packaging inspection systems, the industry faces challenges. See how LandingLens & artificial intelligence can help.

Dec 19, 2023

Slow Aging & Increase Longevity with Dr. David Sinclair

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, food, genetics, life extension

In this episode, I am joined by Dr. David Sinclair, tenured Professor of Genetics at Harvard Medical School and an expert researcher in the field of longevity. Dr. Sinclair is also the author of the book Lifespan: Why We Age & Why We Don’t Have To, and the host of the Lifespan Podcast, which launches January 5, 2022. In this interview, we discuss the cellular and molecular mechanisms of aging and what we all can do to slow or reverse the aging process. We discuss fasting and supplementation with resveratrol, NAD, metformin, and NMN. We also discuss the use of caffeine, exercise, cold exposure, and why excessive iron load is bad for us. We discuss food choices for offsetting aging and promoting autophagy (clearance of dead cells). And we discuss the key blood markers everyone should monitor to determine your biological versus chronological age. We also discuss the future of longevity research and technology. This episode includes lots of basic science and specific, actionable protocols, right down to the details of what to do and when. By the end, you will have in-depth knowledge of the biology of aging and how to offset it. #HubermanLab #DavidSinclair #Longevity

Dec 18, 2023

Chinese robot clones pigs with no human help

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, economics, food, robotics/AI

A robot that automates a common technique for animal cloning has been used to produce a litter of cloned pigs in China — with a much higher success rate than human scientists.

The challenge: China is both the world’s biggest producer of pork and its largest consumer, so having ideal breeding stock — animals that birthe large litters of quick-growing piglets — is important for the nation’s economy and food security.

However, in 2018 and 2019, an epidemic of deadly African swine fever wiped out almost 50% of China’s pig population. As a result, many farmers have had to import breeding pigs, and China is now eager for its pork industry to become almost entirely self-sufficient.

Dec 16, 2023

Aeromao introduces the world’s first water-landing fixed-wing drone

Posted by in categories: drones, food, mapping

It features a sleek aerodynamic design, no tilt mechanisms or extra parts, eliminating failures and unnecessary weight for efficient vertical flight.

The innovative aerial solution is ideal for high-precision mapping to agriculture, ensuring efficient coverage in every flight.

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Dec 16, 2023

How To Reset Your Brain’s Dopamine Balance

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, food, mobile phones, neuroscience

Anna Lembke is a psychiatrist who is Chief of the Stanford Addiction Medicine Dual Diagnosis Clinic at Stanford University and an author. Dopamine is a key neurotransmitter in our reward pathway. It tells us when to feel pleasure and pain, it can cause depression and anxiety, and it’s being hijacked by the modern world. Phones, video games, porn, food, our world is filled with cheap dopamine, which in turn is making us miserable. Expect to learn how dopamine creates a see-saw balance of pleasure and pain, why cravings to use your phone are driven by dopamine, the truth about dopamine detoxing, how to reset your brain’s dopamine balance, the most successful interventions for changing your relationship to dopamine long term and much more…

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