

Archive for the ‘evolution’ category: Page 13

Jan 31, 2024

Researchers seek to understand how regions of ‘cosmic web’ influence behavior of galaxies

Posted by in categories: evolution, space

Researchers at the University of Kansas (KU) hope to better understand intricate mechanisms behind the evolution of galaxies, which travel through a “cosmic web” of different environments during their lifespans.

Gregory Rudnick, professor of physics & astronomy at KU, is leading a team to study “gas content and star-formation properties of ” that are altered depending on where they are moving through the cosmos.

“The primary objective of this project is to comprehend the impact of environmental factors on the transformation of galaxies,” Rudnick said. “In the universe, galaxies are spread in a non-uniform distribution characterized by varying densities. These galaxies aggregate into large clusters, comprising hundreds to thousands of galaxies, as well as smaller groups, consisting of tens to hundreds of galaxies.”

Jan 31, 2024

Decay of sunspot pair elucidates properties of nearby moving magnetic features

Posted by in categories: evolution, satellites

Scientists studying sunspots have found important clues about magnetic features in their decay that will help understand the evolution and real origin of these mysterious magnetic phenomena. The findings are published in The Astrophysical Journal.

Understanding is crucial to understanding the , the approximately 11-year periodic change that changes the sun’s energy output and the frequency and intensity of flares it sends into space that can negatively influence satellites and electrical networks on Earth. (The solar “cycle” can range from eight to 14 years in length.)

Sunspots look rather simple from a distance but are complex areas where light from the sun is trapped by twisted magnetic fields. They are temporary regions of reduced temperature that appear as dark spots on the surface of the sun, where constricted suppresses convection that brings the inner heat of the sun to the surface. A sunspot is about the size of the Earth, and they often come in pairs.

Jan 31, 2024

Scientists pinpoint growth of brain’s cerebellum as key to evolution of bird flight

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, evolution, neuroscience

Evolutionary biologists at Johns Hopkins Medicine report they have combined PET scans of modern pigeons along with studies of dinosaur fossils to help answer an enduring question in biology: How did the brains of birds evolve to enable them to fly?

The answer, they say, appears to be an adaptive increase in the size of the cerebellum in some fossil vertebrates. The cerebellum is a brain region responsible for movement and motor control.

The research findings are published in the Jan. 31 issue of the Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

Jan 30, 2024

The Professions of the Future (1)

Posted by in categories: automation, big data, business, computing, cyborgs, disruptive technology, education, Elon Musk, employment, evolution, futurism, information science, innovation, internet, life extension, lifeboat, machine learning, posthumanism, Ray Kurzweil, robotics/AI, science, singularity, Skynet, supercomputing, transhumanism

We are witnessing a professional revolution where the boundaries between man and machine slowly fade away, giving rise to innovative collaboration.

Photo by Mateusz Kitka (Pexels)

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to advance by leaps and bounds, it’s impossible to overlook the profound transformations that this technological revolution is imprinting on the professions of the future. A paradigm shift is underway, redefining not only the nature of work but also how we conceptualize collaboration between humans and machines.

As creator of the ETER9 Project (2), I perceive AI not only as a disruptive force but also as a powerful tool to shape a more efficient, innovative, and inclusive future. As we move forward in this new world, it’s crucial for each of us to contribute to building a professional environment that celebrates the interplay between humanity and technology, where the potential of AI is realized for the benefit of all.

In the ETER9 Project, dedicated to exploring the interaction between artificial intelligences and humans, I have gained unique insights into the transformative potential of AI. Reflecting on the future of professions, it’s evident that adaptability and a profound understanding of technological dynamics will be crucial to navigate this new landscape.

Continue reading “The Professions of the Future (1)” »

Jan 29, 2024

Scientists Use Supercomputer To Unravel Mysteries of Dark Matter and the Universe’s Evolution

Posted by in categories: cosmology, evolution, particle physics, supercomputing

“The memory requirements for PRIYA simulations are so big you cannot put them on anything other than a supercomputer,” Bird said.

TACC awarded Bird a Leadership Resource Allocation on the Frontera supercomputer. Additionally, analysis computations were performed using the resources of the UC Riverside High-Performance Computer Cluster.

The PRIYA simulations on Frontera are some of the largest cosmological simulations yet made, needing over 100,000 core-hours to simulate a system of 30723 (about 29 billion) particles in a ‘box’ 120 megaparsecs on edge, or about 3.91 million light-years across. PRIYA simulations consumed over 600,000 node hours on Frontera.

Jan 28, 2024

Changing fitness effects of mutations through long-term bacterial evolution

Posted by in category: evolution

Predictable and parallel changes occur in the fitness effects of mutations in Escherichia coli over 50,000 generations.

Jan 28, 2024

The Sixth Finger

Posted by in categories: evolution, neuroscience

“Where are we going? Life, the timeless, mysterious gift, is still evolving. What wonders, or terrors, does evolution hold in store for us in the next ten thousand years? In a million? In six million? Perhaps the answer lies in this old house in this old and misty valley…” A benign and brilliant scientist (Edward Mulhare) discovers a way to accelerate human evolution. David McCallum (super-agent Illya Kuryakin from “The Man From Uncle”) plays the bitter young coal miner who is miraculously transformed into the man of the future. As a result of the experiment, the size of his brain grows grotesquely, a “sixth finger” appears, and he becomes the possessor of tremendous mental powers!

Jan 28, 2024

Cincinnati Museum Center’s partnership with Elevation Science will expand dinosaur fossil collection

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, evolution, science

“You need to go back hundreds of million years to understand the full picture of life,” he said. “Fossils are the database for deep-time studies.”

Paleontology may be a look back into the deep past, but it also plays a role in our future.

“Paleontology, and dinosaurs in particular, is a fantastic gateway into science, because all kids are interested in dinosaurs,” Storrs said. “It’s great if they go on to become scientists, but at the very least, they can be part of an informed citizenry that has a basic knowledge of the world and how science operates, because there’s always going to be questions about vaccines for example, or evolution, or climate change. Science plays a huge role in our world today.”

Jan 24, 2024

Recent advances in the evolution of aging and lifespan

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, evolution, genetics, life extension

Aging is a common phenomenon among organisms, however, lifespan tends to vary across different species to a significant extent among vertebrates themselves. Aging occurs due to the gradual increase in DNA damage, disruption of cellular organelles, deregulation of protein function, disrupted metabolism and oxidative stress [1].

Longevity. Technology: The differences in lifespan are driven by trade-offs and evolutionary trajectories in the genomes of organisms. Age-specific selection also impacts allele (variations of a gene) frequencies in a population. This in turn impacts environment-specific mortality risk and disease susceptibility. Moreover, mutational processes are influenced by life history and age in both somatic and germline cells.

Now, a new review published in Trends in Genetics discusses recent advances in the evolution of aging at population, organismal and cellular scales.

Jan 24, 2024

Astronomers inspect evolution of a nearby Type Ia supernova

Posted by in categories: cosmology, evolution

Using various ground-based telescopes, astronomers have performed photometric and spectroscopic observations of a nearby Type Ia supernova known as SN 2020nlb. Results of the observations campaign, presented January 16 on the pre-print server arXiv, deliver important insights regarding the evolution of this stellar explosion.

Type Ia supernovae (SN Ia) are found in binary systems in which one of the stars is a white dwarf. Stellar explosions of this type are important for the scientific community, as they offer essential clues into the evolution of stars and galaxies.

SN 2020nlb was detected on June 25, 2020 with the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS), shortly after its explosion in the lenticular galaxy Messier 85 (or M85 for short), located some 60 million away. Spectroscopic observations of SN 2020nlb, commenced shortly after its detection, confirmed that it is a Type Ia .

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