

Archive for the ‘energy’ category: Page 240

Feb 22, 2020

The Kinetic energy form a single raindrop can enlight 100 small led bulbs

Posted by in category: energy

A single raindrop can now power 100 small LED light bulbs, effectively setting a new milestone for energy-harvesting technologies, scientists have reported.

The droplet-based electricity generator has a high energy-conversion efficiency and power density thousand times bigger than its counterparts.

Feb 19, 2020

New Rocket Design Is Powered by a Ring of Literal Explosions

Posted by in categories: energy, space travel

Violent Detonations

Engineers have long suspected such a design could revolutionize the fuel efficiency of modern engines, but until now, there was one major problem.

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Feb 19, 2020

Wood could be the next petroleoum

Posted by in category: energy

Not quite green energy, but a step in the right direction.

Feb 15, 2020

Amazon Patents a System for Whipping Stuff Into the Air (or Space)

Posted by in categories: drones, energy, satellites

This week the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office granted a patent to Amazon that covers “energy-efficient launch system for aerial vehicles,” meaning Amazon could be working on a way to fling your packages into the air—or space.

While at first a weird concept, it makes sense in context. This whip-like approach could shoot satellites into space as part of Amazon’s Project Kuiper low-Earth satellite constellation or Amazon drones that would zoom off to deliver packages.

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Feb 11, 2020

Sirius (Alpha Canis Majoris) Facts: Star System, Location, Constellation

Posted by in categories: energy, space

Essentially based on myth the sirius cat people live here. O,.,o.

Sirius, Alpha Canis Majoris (α CMa), is the brightest star in the night sky and one of the nearest star systems to Earth. It has an apparent magnitude of −1.46 and lies at a distance of only 8.6 light years from the Sun. It is also known as the Dog Star, in reference to its position as the luminary of the constellation Canis Major, the Greater Dog.

Sirius appears so bright both because it is intrinsically luminous, with an energy output about 25.4 times that of the Sun, and because of its proximity to the solar system. However, compared to other bright stars like Rigel (120,000 solar luminosities), Betelgeuse (90,000 to 150,000 L) and Canopus (10,700 L), or even Arcturus (170 L) and Capella (78.7 L), Sirius is not exceptionally bright.

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Feb 11, 2020

Scientists Invent A Way To Turn Sunlight Into Fuel

Posted by in category: energy

Read more

Feb 10, 2020

“Reverse fuel cell” converts waste carbon to valuable products at record rates

Posted by in categories: energy, engineering

Fuel cells turn chemicals into electricity. Now, a U of T Engineering team has adapted technology from fuel cells to do the reverse: harness electricity to make valuable chemicals from waste carbon (CO2).

“For decades, talented researchers have been developing systems that convert electricity into hydrogen and back again,” says Professor Ted Sargent (ECE), one of the senior authors of a paper published today in Science. “Our innovation builds on that legacy, but by using carbon-based molecules, we can plug directly into existing hydrocarbon infrastructure.”

In a hydrogen fuel cell, hydrogen and oxygen come together on the surface of a catalyst. The chemical reaction releases electrons, which are captured by specialized materials within the fuel cell and pumped into a circuit.

Feb 7, 2020

Sun’s surface

Posted by in categories: energy, internet, space

No, these are not pictures of caramel corn—they’re the new close-ups of the sun, taken by the largest solar telescope ever built, and they’re what the Internet has been abuzz about for a week. The Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST) is able to capture imagery three times more detailed than anything we’ve seen before. What we’re looking at here in this video are huge bubbling cells as big as Texas, transferring heat from the sun’s interior to its surface, but the telescope can also resolve tiny features as small as Manhattan Island within the cells!

The DKIST is about 13 feet wide and has a better-than-bird’s-eye-view at 10,000 feet above sea-level on the summit of Haleakala, a massive shield volcano on Hawaii’s island Maui. The area covered in this image is about 22,600 miles by 22,600 miles, but the cell-like structures shown are about the size of Texas.

This is only the first time it’s been used so far, and scientists are hoping that in the future it will be helpful in predicting solar weather. Scientists still have a lot of questions about the dynamical processes in the sun and space weather is a focus that can have significant impact on the everyday individual. Space weather has a huge influence on our air travel and satellite communication, sometimes causing power outages and system failures, and our technology has only given us about 48 minutes’ notice until now. The DKIST will help us predict solar flares 48 hours in advance and understand space weather like we never have before.

Feb 7, 2020

Why the next generation of rockets will be powered by methane

Posted by in category: energy

Rocket fuel research has turned to natural gas…

Feb 6, 2020

Can Volcanic Magma Power The Future?

Posted by in categories: energy, futurism

Scientists in Iceland have figured out how to create geothermal energy from super-hot molten rock.