

Archive for the ‘Elon Musk’ category: Page 261

Jun 3, 2016

Illinois Black Triangles: Are Mysterious Crafts In The Sky UFOs Or Secret Government Tech?

Posted by in categories: alien life, Elon Musk, government, military, space travel

Prior to the B2 bomber was released; many saw a black triangle object flying at dusk/ evening and no noise. Therefore, this article doesn’t surprise me because governments have to test their jets and other machines.

Just this week, Elon Musk said that he hopes to send people to Mars by 2024; now, Illinois residents are wondering if the black triangles they’re seeing in the sky are alien spacecraft or U.S. military technology. As The Verge reported, Musk announced his plans to ferry humanity to the red planet at the Code Conference on June 1. On May 22, an Illinois man reported seeing a black triangle craft in the sky at about 9:30 p.m.

Could the Illinois black triangle sighted in May (and the many other black triangle sightings that have occurred in the past) be related to plans to get humanity to Mars? Maybe.

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Jun 2, 2016

Odds are we’re living in a simulation, says Elon Musk

Posted by in categories: augmented reality, bioengineering, cosmology, Elon Musk, robotics/AI, sustainability, transportation

This is one of those “therotical” topics that many of us have had at some point in our lives with our engineering team pals, or with our research department/ lab buddies. Fun to see Elon Musk share his views on this topic. Who knows; maybe? Last week, we learned that black holes may be nothing more that a multi-layer hologram in space.

“There’s a billion to one chance we’re living in base reality,” Elon Musk said tonight on stage at Recode’s Code Conference, meaning that one of the most influential and powerful figures in tech thinks that it’s overwhelmingly likely we’re just characters living inside a simulation.

The Verge co-founder Josh Topolsky got half-way through asking Musk if he thought our existence was simulated before the Tesla CEO jumped in to finish his question for him. “I’ve had so many simulation discussions it’s crazy,” Musk explained. “You’ve thought about this?” Topolsky asked. “A lot,” Musk replied. “It got to the point where every conversation was the AI / simulation conversation, and my brother and I agreed that we would ban such conversations if we were ever in a hot tub.”

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Jun 2, 2016

Elon Musk: There’s a ‘one in billions’ chance our reality is not a simulation

Posted by in category: Elon Musk

Mathematically it makes sense.

Practically speaking, it’s pretty much irrelevant.

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Jun 2, 2016

Elon Musk believes we are probably characters in some advanced civilization’s video game

Posted by in categories: augmented reality, Elon Musk, entertainment, virtual reality

Don’t believe me? Here’s Musk’s argument in full:

The strongest argument for us being in a simulation probably is the following. Forty years ago we had pong. Like, two rectangles and a dot. That was what games were.

Now, 40 years later, we have photorealistic, 3D simulations with millions of people playing simultaneously, and it’s getting better every year. Soon we’ll have virtual reality, augmented reality.

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Jun 2, 2016

Elon Musk’s craziest idea is the AI-beating Neural Lace

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, robotics/AI, sustainability, transportation

RANCHOS PALOS VERDES, California — Are you ready to interface with your digital self at neural level? Elon Musk wants you to. In fact, he thinks it’s the only way we can prevent becoming our artificial intelligence overlords’ house cats.

Musk laid our this wild, new digital vision during a late evening chat at the annual Code Conference.

SEE ALSO: Tesla Model 3 won’t get free Supercharger access, Musk says.

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Jun 1, 2016

ISRO’s 1:22 Ratio to Crowd Space with Nano Satellites?

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, satellites

Maybe Elon Musk could work with Waste Management the Waste Company in the US to keep space clean and environmentally happy.

ISRO is all set for its prestigious launch of 22 satellites in a single shot in June, said ISRO Chairman, Kiran Kumar, without giving the details about the possible type of satellites, though expected to be mostly nanosatellites.

Tentatively slated in the second half of June, the PSLV-C34 mission in the PSLV-XL configuration, will launch the Cartosat 2C high-resolution Earth observation satellite and 21 smaller secondary payloads from international customers. Originally scheduled for May, it was postponed to June.

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Jun 1, 2016

Elon Musk goes on a ‘machines building machines’ rant about the future of manufacturing

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, engineering, transportation

Tesla’s 2016 Shareholders Meeting yesterday was an unusual one. CEO Elon Musk and CTO JB Straubel were on stage for close to 4 hours and went through the bulk of Tesla’s history – recounting stories from the early days with longtime employees of the automaker.

We already reported on important nuggets of information the execs released about the Gigafactory and the Model 3 during the event, but what probably stands out the most from the event – from my perspective at least – is Musk’s rant about the importance of the “machine that makes the machine.”

The CEO said that he recently – in the last 2 or 3 months – came to the realization that the potential for improvement is at least a factor of 10 greater in manufacturing vehicles than in the actual vehicle engineering.

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May 17, 2016

Why DARPA Is Pursuing the Reusable Military XS-1 Spaceplane

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, government, military, space travel

Coming clean on the story around the XS-1 Spaceplane. Hmmm; US Government coming clean; really?

ORLANDO, Fla. – Here’s a phrase that’s not repeated everyday in the space community:

“You’ve heard Elon’s comments … we want to go beyond that,” Brad Tousley, the head of the tactical technology office at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, said May 15.

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May 14, 2016

First SpaceX #Hyperloop transit pod contender unveiled [w/mini documentary video] @MITHyperloop

Posted by in categories: education, Elon Musk, transportation

Competitors are racing to answer Elon Musk’s call to create a capsule that can carry commuters at the speed of sound. MIT unveiled its entry on Friday.

By Larry Greenemeier on May 14, 2016.

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May 12, 2016

Hyperloop One conducts first test of propulsion mechanism in Nevada desert

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, transportation

They’re just showing off again — I cannot wait until this thing is fully operational and expanded.

LOS ANGELES, May 11 (UPI) — Hyperloop technology enjoyed its first public test on Wednesday.

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