

Archive for the ‘cryonics’ category: Page 27

Feb 6, 2017

International Longevity and Cryopreservation Summit Spain

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, cryonics, life extension

2017 sees the first longevity and cryo international event in Spain in three cities! Great to see the interest in rejuvenation biotechnology growing globally.

Spain hosts its first longevity and cryonics event this year and we take a quick look at what’s in store.

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Jan 30, 2017

International Longevity & Cryopreservation Summit

Posted by in categories: cryonics, life extension

New H+ Longevity and Cryo event in Spain!

The First Longevity and Cryonics event in Spain will be held on May 26–28 2017 In Madrid.

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Jan 19, 2017

After 50 years, frozen WWI veteran’s body awaits reanimation

Posted by in categories: cryonics, finance, life extension, neuroscience

“His body, along with the others, will remain frozen indefinitely, with enough ongoing financial support to sustain its current state, reported.

Last year, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduate successfully froze and reanimated a rabbit brain”.

Since his death, James Bedford’s body has been cryogenically frozen and awaiting reanimation on the edge of the Sonaran Desert in Arizona. This week marks the 50th year of Bedford’s deep freeze, making him the oldest “de-animated” human being on earth.

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Dec 18, 2016

14-Year-Old Girl Who Died of Cancer Wins Right to be Cryogenically Frozen

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, cryonics, life extension

A 14-year-old girl who said before dying of cancer that she wanted a chance to live longer has been allowed by the high court to have her body cryogenically frozen in the hope that she can be brought back to life at a later time.

The court ruled that the teenager’s mother, who supported the girl’s wish to be cryogenically preserved, should be the only person allowed to make decisions about the disposal of her body. Her estranged father had initially opposed her wishes.

During the last months of her life, the teenager, who had a rare form of cancer, used the internet to investigate cryonics. Known only as JS, she sent a letter to the court: “I have been asked to explain why I want this unusual thing done. I’m only 14 years old and I don’t want to die, but I know I am going to. I think being cryo‐preserved gives me a chance to be cured and woken up, even in hundreds of years’ time.

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Nov 20, 2016

In Opinion: ‘Dead is gone forever:’ The need for cryonics policy

Posted by in categories: cryonics, life extension, policy, transhumanism

Check out my latest story for Newsweek: #transhumanism #cryonics

The case of a 14-year-old UK girl whose body was preserved after death highlights the need for governments to take cryonics seriously.

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Nov 17, 2016

Cryogenics: does it offer humanity a chance to return from the dead?

Posted by in categories: cryonics, life extension

While it used to be the stuff of science fiction, the technology behind the dream has advanced in recent years.

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Nov 1, 2016

Who wants to live forever?

Posted by in categories: aging, bioengineering, cryonics, disruptive technology, DNA, futurism, genetics, health, life extension, posthumanism

Bioquark Inc. ( Interview in MoneyWeek


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Sep 22, 2016

Generation Cryo: Fighting Death in the Frozen Unknown

Posted by in categories: cryonics, law, life extension

Fascinating article, and a mostly fair one at that!

“Cryonicists are often dismissed as wasteful, selfish, and narcissistic, and the practice itself is often viewed as an eccentric indulgence for wealthy people with a profound fear of death. And genuine concern exists about the feasibility and viability of cryonics. But as more and more families take the leap into the frozen unknown, there are practical concerns—legal rights, money, consent. And lurking beneath the surface, there is a different fear—that cryonics might just actually work and that signing up for cryonics might be the most insanely rational decision you will ever make.”

In a vat of liquid nitrogen on storage platform 17, the youngest person ever to be put into cryogenic storage has been waiting for the future for one year and eight months.

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Sep 10, 2016

New Evidence Proving That Walt Disney Was Frozen After Death Cryonics Myth

Posted by in categories: cryonics, education, life extension

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This is a video on new proof on walt disney frozen body. We are currently looking for the walt disney frozen body pictures. But we belive that walt disney cryogenically frozen and we are trying to get to the truth of it! And we know he was walt disney frozen! WE are working on a cryonics documentary that should have enough proof! Its the cryonics death in the deep freeze which lots of celebs and people of power are doing now adays! Mr disney walt cryogenic! We know the truth! We will find you! The disney cryogenic myth is no myth at all we will prove it one day! Its only a matter of time! Who else belives in the walt disney cryogenics myth? Its about time we start adding the clues togather to find the answer that we were lied too! Its the same ol walt disney cryogenics myth that they keep joking about saying its not real! Why do you think they made the movie frozen? To cover up the disney cryogenically frozen name when you google it?This disney cryogenics is proof right here! Theres no disney cryogenics debunked at all evidence!

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Jul 19, 2016

Study shows continuous dehydration kills cells during dry preservation

Posted by in categories: cryonics, engineering, life extension

A new finding in experiments studying the dry preservation of living cells — a potentially revolutionary alternative to cryopreservation — has defined a clear limit where continuing dehydration kills cells. The data, combined with molecular dynamics simulations, provides insight into an important processing factor that has limited recent attempts at dry preservation.

“What we have done is identified what appears to be a materials constraint in our method of dry preservation. I think this new understanding suggests some interesting avenues to pursue in developing a successful process,” said Gloria Elliott, Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, one of the study’s authors.

The findings, reported in the July 8 issue of Scientific Reports, analyzes changes in the molecular arrangements of trehalose (a sugar) and water molecules during a typical dehydration process that they use to immobilize cells in a stable trehalose glass for long-term storage.

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