

Archive for the ‘computing’ category: Page 823

Jul 21, 2015

We are data: the future of machine intelligence — By Douglas Coupland | Financial Times

Posted by in categories: big data, computing, economics, privacy


I sometimes wonder, How much data am I generating? Meaning: how much data do I generate just sitting there in a chair, doing nothing except exist as a cell within any number of global spreadsheets and also as a mineable nugget lodged within global memory storage systems — inside the Cloud, I suppose. (Yay Cloud!)

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Jul 20, 2015

An analysis of the history of technology shows that technological change is exponential

Posted by in categories: computing, electronics, neuroscience, Ray Kurzweil, singularity

“An analysis of the history of technology shows that technological change is exponential, contrary to the common-sense “intuitive linear” view. So we won’t experience 100 years of progress in the 21st century — it will be more like 20,000 years of progress (at today’s rate). The “returns,” such as chip speed and cost-effectiveness, also increase exponentially. There’s even exponential growth in the rate of exponential growth. Within a few decades, machine intelligence will surpass human intelligence, leading to The Singularity — technological change so rapid and profound it represents a rupture in the fabric of human history. The implications include the merger of biological and nonbiological intelligence, immortal software-based humans, and ultra-high levels of intelligence that expand outward in the universe at the speed of light.” — Ray Kurzweil.

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Jul 19, 2015

Is this the end for apps? — Erin N. Shapiro | The Next Web

Posted by in category: computing

“With more artificial intelligence being built into operating systems and their greater ability to find and present relevant data, some have predicted contextual information may eventually push users off of third-party apps…After all, why open an app if the data within it is easily accessible through Google Now or Siri?” Read more

Jul 18, 2015

Algorithms Based on Brains Make For Better Networks

Posted by in categories: computing, information science, neuroscience

Researchers take inspiration from the developing brain to create improved computer algorithms.

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Jul 17, 2015

**Award-Winning** Sci-Fi Short Film: “SYNC”

Posted by in categories: computing, cybercrime/malcode

Every 15 seconds, a computer, network, or mobile device is hacked by cyber-terrorists. To combat this problem, Syntek Industries has manufactured data couriers designed from advanced machine robotics. These couriers are known as SYNCS. Syncs are programmed to securely deliver data packages without interruption.

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Jul 17, 2015

A Researcher Made an Organic Computer Using Four Wired-Together Rat Brains

Posted by in categories: computing, neuroscience

The internet of brains is here.

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Jul 13, 2015

Google and NASA’s Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics, robotics/AI

A peek at the early days of the Quantum AI Lab: a partnership between NASA, Google, USRA, and a 512-qubit D-Wave Two quantum computer. Learn more at

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Jul 13, 2015

Interconnected Rat Brains Create Organic Computer

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, bionic, biotech/medical, computing, neuroscience

Linked rat brains

Scientists have been experimenting with brain-to-brain interfaces for years. Miguel Nicolelis, a neurobiologist at Duke University Medical Center, has created a “Brainet” or a network of interconnected brains with four rats. With electrodes implanted directly in the cortex rodents exchange information to create an organic computing device. Collectively, they were able to solve computational problems including image processing, storing and recalling information and even predicting precipitation.

Read the full story by Mona Lalwani at Engadget

Jul 12, 2015

Transhumanismus: Bring mir den Kopf von Raymond Kurzweil!

Posted by in categories: computing, transhumanism

A full Sunday feature on transhumanism (with mentions of Transhumanist Parties) in one of Germany’s largest papers (circulation 400,000):…/transhumanismus-bring-mir-den-kopf-von… and the English:

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Jul 11, 2015

IBM Watson CTO: Quantum computing could advance artificial intelligence

Posted by in categories: computing, engineering, futurism, quantum physics, robotics/AI

IBM Watson CTO: Quantum computing could advance artificial intelligence by orders of magnitude.

Quantum computers have already been used to test artificial intelligence by researchers in China, albeit in a very limited capacity. Earlier in 2015, a team from the country’s University of Science and Technology developed a quantum system capable of recognising handwritten characters in a demonstration they dubbed quantum artificial intelligence.

This demonstration was on a quantum computer using only four qubits, leading to speculation of what a system using hundreds – or even thousands – of qubits would be capable of. Such machines do not yet exist, at least not commercially, but Canada-based quantum computing firm D-Wave systems recently claimed it has built a 1,000 qubit quantum computer.

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