

Archive for the ‘bitcoin’ category: Page 8

Sep 14, 2022

Grey Goo, Molecular Manufacturing, and Drexler’s Nanopocalypse

Posted by in category: bitcoin


BITCOIN : 14ZMLNppEdZCN4bu8FB1BwDaxbWteQKs8i.

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Sep 13, 2022

More Major Updates From James Webb Telescope and Cool Discoveries

Posted by in categories: bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, space

Get a Wonderful Person Tee:
More cool designs are on Amazon:
Alternatively, PayPal donations can be sent here:

Hello and welcome! My name is Anton and in this video, we will talk about new updates from James Webb Space Telescope.

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Sep 9, 2022

ITRC: Bitcoin Scams Lead to Hacked Instagram Accounts

Posted by in categories: bitcoin, cybercrime/malcode

The ITRC has received many reports from victims staying their Instagram account was hacked after falling for a bitcoin scam.

Sep 9, 2022

Groundbreaking Proton Discovery That May Rewrite Science Textbooks

Posted by in categories: bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, particle physics, science, space

Get a Wonderful Person shirt:
Classic Mars design is on Amazon:
Alternatively, PayPal donations can be sent here:

Hello and welcome! My name is Anton and in this video, we will talk about a new groundbreaking discovery about a proton — a charm quark on the inside?
Previous video:
Unusual experiment findings:
#charm #proton #physics.

Continue reading “Groundbreaking Proton Discovery That May Rewrite Science Textbooks” »

Aug 24, 2022

Postumanism (Full Documentary)

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, cybercrime/malcode, cyborgs, education, Elon Musk, genetics, neuroscience, robotics/AI

0:00–15:11 : Introduction.
a. Neurotechnology b. Neurophilosophy c. Teilhard de Chardin and the Noosphere.


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Aug 16, 2022

Methane-Capturer Vespene Energy Raises $4.3M To Help Cities Mine Bitcoin

Posted by in categories: bitcoin, education, energy

Vespene builds infrastructure for municipalities to mine bitcoin, creating a new revenue stream and encouraging education in the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Aug 16, 2022

The Holographic Principle, Quantum Mechanics, and Simulated Reality (SR)

Posted by in categories: alien life, bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, Elon Musk, existential risks, holograms, information science, quantum physics, robotics/AI, singularity, virtual reality


ETHEREUM 0x1f89b261562C8D4C14aA01590EB42b2378572164
LITECOIN LdB94n8sTUXBto5ZKt82YhEsEmxomFGz3j.
CHAINLINK 0xDF560E12fF416eC2D4BAECC66E323C56af2f6666.

Continue reading “The Holographic Principle, Quantum Mechanics, and Simulated Reality (SR)” »

Aug 16, 2022

The Man behind Stable Diffusion

Posted by in categories: bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, robotics/AI

An interview with Emad Mostaque, founder of Stability AI.

0:00 — Intro.
1:30 — What is Stability AI?
3:45 — Where does the money come from?
5:20 — Is this the CERN of AI?
6:15 — Who gets access to the resources?
8:00 — What is Stable Diffusion?
11:40 — What if your model produces bad outputs?
14:20 — Do you employ people?
16:35 — Can you prevent the corruption of profit?
19:50 — How can people find you?
22:45 — Final thoughts, let’s destroy PowerPoint.

Continue reading “The Man behind Stable Diffusion” »

Aug 7, 2022

Bill Gates’ Strange Plan to Dim the Sun

Posted by in categories: bitcoin, climatology, engineering, sustainability

Bill Gates is funding more research into dimming the sun! Check out how solar geoengineering works.

Bill Gates is a man who recently suggested the world should eat 100% synthetic beef, has argued that bitcoin is bad for the planet, co-founded Microsoft, and remains one of the richest people in the world.

He is also very interested in dimming the light from the sun to reduce or delay the effects of climate change, according to a forthcoming study from the Bill Gates-backed Harvard University Solar Geoengineering Research Program — which aims to evaluate the efficacy of blocking sunlight from reaching our planet’s surface.

Aug 6, 2022

How GPT-3 Wrote a Movie About a Cockroach-AI Love Story

Posted by in categories: bitcoin, entertainment, internet, robotics/AI

In artist Miao Ying’s animated film Surplus Intelligence, a cockroach falls in love with the artificial intelligence responsible for monitoring her behavior. There’s only one problem: The AI, personified as a man with movie-star looks, committed a crime in Walden XII, the quasi-medieval fantasyland where the story is set. He stole the village’s power stone, and so the roach sets off to mine bitcoin to save him.

Viewers might see in the plot a metaphor for the conflicted relationship some Chinese people have with social credit scoring, which is meant to nudge citizens toward better behavior. Or it could be a nod to the insidious ways social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook condition our behavior and mine us for data. If the tale itself seems a little ridiculous at times, that’s because Miao had a stealth collaborator: the AI text-generating system GPT-3, which wrote the script for the film. That power stone in the village? GPT-3 determined that it looks like “a burrito from Mexico,” perhaps a side effect of all the advertising copy GPT-3 has been tasked with writing.

The half-hour film is on view through the end of the year at the Asia Society in New York as part of the exhibition Mirror Image: A Transformation of Chinese Identity. “All of Miao Ying’s work is a satirical look at what digital means in China,” says Barbara Pollack, who curated Mirror Image and wrote the book Brand New Art from China. But, she notes, the works also celebrate the creativity the policies inspire in its citizens. Miao’s Hardcore Digital Detox (2018) challenges viewers to experience the internet behind the Great Firewall—and without the filter bubbles that platforms in the East and West impose. Chinternet Plus (2016) describes how to brand a “counterfeit ideology.” And for 2007’s Blind Spot, Miao manually annotated a Chinese dictionary to indicate all of the words that were censored on at the time.

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