

Archive for the ‘alien life’ category: Page 102

Jul 27, 2019

The Philippines as seen from space

Posted by in category: alien life

Have you ever wondered why Sulu is as bright as Metro Manila? Is there a mega city brightly lit at night in Sulu? None. Then are these alien space crafts?

Or could they be a thousand purse seiners operating in Sulu waters just near the poorest province called Sulu yet grossing at least 10 billion worth of sardines a month with not a single centavo of tax to Sulu nor ARMM since they all are operating in Zamboanga City. Note purse seiners are fishing boats with lights that can light up a stadium per boat to attract fish. A single set of purseiner can catch a million worth of fish a day. Multiply by hundreds and at least 3 to 5 billion a month will be easy. The lights shows at least several hundred to five hundred boats to light up the size if Manila and even bigger than well lighted Zamboanga City streets thats 50kms.

The major lights in the map symbolizes power, wealth and influence as you can see in metro manila, cebu and davao. However, pls do not be misled by this satellite image showing sulu as if glowing in the dark. Its the sardines industry capital of the Philippines operation.

Jul 21, 2019

Powerful new telescope joins the search for possible laser pulses from aliens

Posted by in category: alien life

Statistically, it’s pretty much a given that alien life is out there somewhere, whether that’s Martian microbes or highly intelligent life beaming comms through the cosmos. While the Curiosity rover is poking around in the dirt for the former, the Breakthrough Listen initiative is searching for the latter. Now, a new telescope array has joined the hunt, scanning the skies for flashes of laser light that alien civilizations might be giving off.

Jul 18, 2019

Veritas telescopes could help detect alien chitchat

Posted by in category: alien life

The telescope array in Arizona isn’t just about black holes and quasars anymore.

Jul 16, 2019

A Thin Layer of Aerogel Could Make Martian Farming Possible

Posted by in categories: alien life, engineering, environmental

Scientists think they’ve found a way to terraform Mars — and all it takes is a thin blanket of insulation over future space gardens.

A layer of aerogel just two to three centimeters thick may be enough to protect plants from the harshest aspects of life on Mars and create viable greenhouses in the process, according to research published Monday in the journal Nature Astronomy. While there are a host of other problems to solve before anyone can settle Mars, this terraforming plan is far more feasible than other ideas that scientists have proposed.

Two of the biggest challenges facing Martian settlers are the Red Planet’s deadly temperatures and unfiltered solar radiation, which is able to pass through Mars’ weak atmosphere and reach the surface, New Scientist reports. At night, it can reach −100 degrees Celsius, which is far too cold for any Earthly crops to survive.

Jul 7, 2019

Voracious Black Holes Could Feed Alien Life on Rogue Worlds

Posted by in categories: alien life, computing


Black holes are engines of destruction on a cosmic scale, but they may also be the bringers of life. New research on supermassive black holes suggests that the radiation they emit during feeding frenzies can create biomolecular building blocks and even power photosynthesis.

The upshot? Far more worlds roaming the Milky Way and beyond could be suitable to life, the researchers speculated.

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Jul 7, 2019

Fermi Paradox: First Contact with Alien Syntellects in Extra Dimensions is More Than a Possibility

Posted by in categories: alien life, existential risks, physics

I used to think that we live in some sort of a “cosmic jungle”, so the Zoo Hypothesis (like Star Trek Prime Directive) should be the correct explanation to the Fermi Paradox, right? I wouldn’t completely rule out this hypothesis insofar as a theorist Michio Kaku allegorically compares our earthly civilization to an “anthill” next to the “ten-lane superhighway” of a galactic-type civilization. Over time, however, I’ve come to realize that the physics of information holds the key to the solution of the Fermi Paradox — indications are we most likely live in a “syntellect chrysalis” instead of a “cosmic jungle.”

Just like a tiny mustard seed in the soil, we’ll get to grow out of the soil, see “the light of the day” and network by roots and pollen with others, at the cosmic level of emergent complexity — as a civilizational superorganism endowed with its own advanced extradimensional consciousness. So, one day our Syntellect, might “wake up” as some kind of a newborn baby of the intergalactic family (or multiversal family, for that matter – that remains to be seen) within the newly perceived reality framework. Call it the Chrysalis Conjecture, if you’d like.*.

Jul 1, 2019

Scientists Want Your Input on Our Alien Response Plan

Posted by in categories: alien life, entertainment

Watch enough movies in which aliens contact humans, and you’ll notice a trend: the people deciding how Earth should respond to the extraterrestrial communications are usually politicians or scientists.

But the UK Seti Research Network (UKSRN) thinks the average person should have a say in how Earth responds if aliens ever decide to say “hello” to humanity.

Jun 30, 2019

Planet in triple-star system may be our best chance to find alien life

Posted by in category: alien life

An exoplanet 22.5 light years away that orbits in a system with three stars has the perfect conditions for us to search its atmosphere for signs of alien life.

Jun 28, 2019

Astronomers Just Pinpointed The Origin of a Single Fast Radio Burst For The First Time

Posted by in categories: alien life, innovation

Every now and again, our radio telescopes capture a mystery. A single flash, as powerful in radio wavelengths as half-a-billion Suns, condensed into a burst that lasts just a few milliseconds at most. Now, for the very first time, astrophysicists have traced one of these one-off fast radio bursts (FRBs) to its source.

“This is the big breakthrough that the field has been waiting for since astronomers discovered fast radio bursts in 2007,” said astro-engineer Keith Bannister of Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO).

The signal has been named FRB 180924 — they’re named for the date of detection — and it originated in the outskirts of a Milky Way-sized galaxy roughly 3.6 billion light-years from Earth.

Jun 26, 2019

Black Hole Radiation Could Feed Alien Life

Posted by in category: alien life

When you think about black holes, you think about destruction! But new research suggests that black hole radiation could help cook life on some planets.