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Future Army Battle Uniforms - Wired, Lethal |
Posted by
on Thursday June 05, @05:12AM
from the serious-geek-hardware-spending dept.
ssyladin writes "CNN is running an article about the future US army battle dress, code-named 'Scorpion'. It says that "..soldiers of 2011 will step into wired uniforms that incorporate all the equipment they need. The uniforms will monitor vital signs and plug them into a massive network of satellites, unmanned planes and robotic vehicles the military has planned." There will be sensors to monitor heartrate and blood-pressure, built-in tourniquets, a HUD to connect to GPS info, overhead maps, infrared and starlight cameras, and even the venerable M16 rifles are slated for an overhaul."
Read More... | 78 of 111 comments
) ArtBots - The Robot Talent Show |
Posted by
on Thursday June 05, @03:08AM
from the 30-seconds-to-a:\fame.exe dept.
douglas repetto writes "Info on the participants in the Second Annual International ArtBots: The Robot Talent Show, to be held in New York this July, is now online. and there's lots of fun geek/tech/art candy. Participants include robots that draw, sculpt, and play musical instruments, as well as many with talents that are a bit harder to pin down."
Read More... | 22 of 41 comments
) Fast TCP To Increase Speed Of File Transfers? |
Posted by
on Thursday June 05, @12:32AM
from the turbocharge-your-interweb dept.
Wrighter writes "There's a new story at Yahoo about a new version of TCP called Fast TCP that might help increase the speed of file transfers. Sounds like it basically estimates the maximum efficient speed of your network, and then goes for it, dumping a lot of time-consuming error checking." There's also an article at the New Scientist with some additional information.
Read More... | 188 of 245 comments
) JBoss Group Developers Walk Out |
Posted by
on Wednesday June 04, @10:22PM
from the neither-j-crew-nor-j-lo dept.
An anonymous reader writes "According to The Inquirer, 'seven consultants for The JBoss Group publicly announced the immediate termination of their contracts and the foundation of their new company, Core Developers Network.'"
Read More... | 121 of 196 comments
Posted by
on Wednesday June 04, @09:18PM
from the avoiding-chainware dept.
AdamBa writes "There has been a lot of discussion of open source bills, but I think open data format bills have a much greater chance of actually becoming law. Over at the Open Data Format Initiative site, I have written an article explaining "Why Open Data Format Laws Are Better Than Open Source Laws". I also have a sample Open Data Format bill; I invite comments from slashdot readers, in particular on how the sample bill could be improved."
Read More... | 103 of 130 comments | yro.slashdot.org
) Slashback: NIC, Dastar, Defects |
Posted by
on Wednesday June 04, @07:59PM
from the keep-your-eye-off-the-luxeon dept.
Slashback tonight with a round of corrections and updates to recent (and not recent) Slashdot postings. Read on to find out more on the fate of Larry Ellison's thin-client Linux machine, OpenTV vs. GNU, getting satisfaction instead of defective hard drives, and more. Enjoy!
Read More... | 125 of 189 comments
) Sharp Zaurus SL-C750 English Conversion |
Posted by
on Wednesday June 04, @06:28PM
from the palm-of-your-hand dept.
DavonZ writes "I have just released a small review/information on the Sharp Zaurus SL-C750 and the Dynamism English conversion. This is one sweet unit. You can check it out at nvmax.com."
Read More... | 52 of 93 comments
) Ask Slashdot: Do Online Schools Provide A Quality Education? |
Posted by
on Wednesday June 04, @05:31PM
from the what-have-your-experiences-been dept.
An anonymous reader asks: "I am attending an online college for the first time � and I am starting to get a bad taste in my mouth about the amount of effort that some of my professors are putting forward in my courses. I feel like some of them are �skating� and all I am paying for is a book, a posted syllabus, and a final exam. Have any of you been to an online school, and what where your experiences like? How did you feel about the quality of education you were getting?"
Read More... | 366 of 479 comments | ask.slashdot.org
) Games: Modern Day Gamer Documentary |
Posted by
on Wednesday June 04, @04:40PM
from the modem-dies-gaming dept.
Simon Bysshe writes "I'm a UK film student, and have recently released a freely downloadable video documentary called 'Modern Day Gamer'. In it, I use interviews from a LAN party I went to in Brighton to try to address the main pre-conceptions people have about gamers, ie: is it really anti-social? is it only for geeks? is it a non-productive use of time?" We've also rustled up a BitTorrent link at Gametab and another BitTorrent link courtesy Jamuraa for this 75mb DivX file.
Read More... | 111 of 153 comments | games.slashdot.org
Posted by
on Wednesday June 04, @03:41PM
from the getcher-patents-get-'em-while-they're-hot dept.
An anonymous reader writes "Embedded-Watch is carrying a story regarding the award of patent number 6,571,390 to Microsoft. The patent would seem to cover pretty much any implementation of a video-on-demand system that you (or at least I) can think of. Read for yourself to decide whether this patent either is not original work or is blatantly obvious to the most casual observer. The patent could certainly be invalidated by the courts on either point, but that'd take a fight in court that won't be cheap."
Read More... | 280 of 424 comments | yro.slashdot.org
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- Matt Solnit reviews Dan Appleman's e-book Hijacking
.NET , a short but "eye-opening look at how you can use
undocumented and private features from the .NET framework."
- Michael Palmer reviews the O'reilly-published HTTP:
The Definitive Guide , " a good overview of HTTP and many
related topics."
- Tony Williams reviews Rael Dornfest and Kevin Hemenway's OS
X Hacks, a "good grab bag of tips and techniques for getting
the most from your Mac."
- Max Tardiveau reviews author/publisher Wall
Street Meat which follows author Andy Kessler's path "from
starting as a junior stock analyst at Paine Webber, to becoming a
well-known technology analyst, to leaving Wall Street and going off on his
- iConrad reviews Mark and Daniel Ratner's Nanotechnology:
A Gentle Introduction to the Next Big Idea, which explores the
theory, history and ethics of nanotech, but doesn't shy away from
describing where the money is.
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Updated: 20030522 01:55 by timothy